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I wonder if you could suggest a remedial action using your excellant

FUIPC.I use the PFC Cirrus 11,pedals and the jetliner yoke.

For some time now in flight especially with fast light aircraft

such as the FSX Hawk,Spitfire etc but also other aircraft(slighty

less on "heavies" there are sudden wing drops of the aircrafts

own accord and only fast work on the throttle/rudder stops it

sometimes from turning over(but not always!).In autoflight

does not occur.

I accept it may be the pentionmeters in the PFC unit have gone

weak or are failing but as I am in UK it would mean ordering

new pots from the US and having them fitted.

Have you any suggestions for perhaps trying use of FUIPC in

some way to alleviate the condition.I would be gratefull for

any suggestions.



For some time now in flight especially with fast light aircraft

such as the FSX Hawk,Spitfire etc but also other aircraft(slighty

less on "heavies" there are sudden wing drops of the aircrafts

own accord and only fast work on the throttle/rudder stops it

sometimes from turning over(but not always!).In autoflight

does not occur.

Well, until you mentioned autoflight I would have suggested that it might be sudden wind changes, so switch on wind smoothing, but such things should affect autoflight too.

I accept it may be the pentionmeters in the PFC unit have gone

weak or are failing but as I am in UK it would mean ordering

new pots from the US and having them fitted.

My PFC driver has a filter for poor power supplies incorporated, and that might cope also with iffy hardware, but that's only usable with PFC's digital controllers. I take it you have a normal USB or Game Port device?

Have you any suggestions for perhaps trying use of FUIPC in

some way to alleviate the condition.

Not really. You could try logging the Axes (see FSUIPC logging tab) to see what values are actually being input to do these things. If they are extremes then possibly the spike elimination on the Miscellaneous tab would work. Have you tried that? On the other hand, if they are just sudden jumps to incorrect values, then I don't see any way FSUIPC can help.

It may not be the pots of course -- a poor power supply can do it, or a bad connection somewhere, or even possibly a problem with the port being used on the PC's motherboard. Try a different cable. If it's USB and you are using a hub, try a direct PC connection. If you are using a direct connection already, try another. Try to avoid two frequently-used devices being on the same pair of sockets -- USB ports come in pairs working through one internal hub.

For a dirty pot a spray with something like Servisol might help. any non-conductive grease and dirt repellent should do it, but check that it isn't also a solvent. I use Servisol for electrical cleaning myself.

Of course, before doing any of this do make sure you have no conflicting assignments for the affected controls.




Thanks Pete for going into the problem in

such depth.I will try the various suggestions

and hopefully we might resolve the issue.

I tell my friends the propilots I have a lot

of windshear!

Kind Regards Desmond.(trinidad)

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