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Please help me to connect

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Hello Pete,

I'm a new user of your programms and on the first sight nothing is working here.

What I have is: FS2004 working under VISTA and user of Teamspeak, IVAO.

I bought your modules to make from 1 screen 2 screens, but at this moment no results.

When I start FS and click on Modules and after that FSUIPC and see only some tabs and FSUIPC Version 3.817 and registered versions of both modules.

At the top he says that WideSerer: waiting for clients

Please help me to connect

; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details

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Both screens are on 1 Videocard. Oke than it maybey means that I bought these modules for nothing.

Seems so. Really it is best to actually read a little of a program description before buying it.

WideFS is nothing to do with screens or visuals in any case. First off, it is for linking programs running on a Networked PC to a copy of Flight Sim running in a server PC -- i.e. it is for Networks. Second, it is not for extending FS visuals like panels or scenery, but for other, external programs, running on their own, outside FS, using the FSUIPC interface.

There is a program called WidevieW, by a different author (Luciano Napolitano), which is also for Networks, which links multiple copies of Flight Sim so that different visuals from the same user aircraft can be obtained. That is usually used for extraordinarily wide scenery views.

For multiple views on a single PC, using two ports of a single video card, or multiple video cards, or a Matrox TripleHead2Go device, the facilities for undocking panels and windows in FS itself suffice. You need no add-on programs at all for that. However, note that having more that one 3D (scenery) window will cut frame rates dramatically. Dragging undocked panel windows to other screens works quite well, though, especially in FS9 and before (it seems it is a little more difficult in FSX to get them to stay put).



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Can we do something with it, i've paid more than 50 euro for both programms

FSUIPC will be useful in any case. Read the user guide -- I think you should find it well worthwhile.

As for "doing something about it" I'm afraid you are probably on a hiding to nothing there. By all means ask SimMarket -- they are the traders, not I. I provide technical support and do all the development work, I have nothing to do with sales.



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