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Programming with mouse macro

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Dear Pete,

The past few weeks I programmed successfully around 20 buttons in my Airbus cockpit that never worked before (which made me very happy)

But than I wanted to change the programming of 1 button (APU start).

This is what I deleted:

- the relevant button in the buttons list in FSUIPC ini (2=P0,8,CM8:1,0)

- the macrofile (macro number eight) in FSUIPC ini

- the APU start MCRO file in Flightsim 2004/modules

But now I can not add new Mouse macro files anymore! That is, I can add them, but they do not work anymore!

Everything is there, new MCRO files, the button programming and the macrofile, but the new added macro's just do not work.

Yet, when I press the Tab key (to test while making the Macro) this works.

But when I have finished the programming and I assign a button, it just does not work (I pressed reload all buttons also).

Than I tested to delete 2 button assignments, while leaving the MCRO files in the modules folder intact, and I could assign again any button to the MCRO files.

Existing macro's are still OK, but new macro's just don't work.

Probably I deleted too much or too little.

Can you give me your advice?


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But than I wanted to change the programming of 1 button (APU start).

This is what I deleted:

- the relevant button in the buttons list in FSUIPC ini (2=P0,8,CM8:1,0)

Why edit the INI file? Why not simply re-program the button in FSUIPC options? What are you doing messing in the INI file? The facilities you need are all in the on-line options, in the Dialogue!

- the macrofile (macro number eight) in FSUIPC ini

- the APU start MCRO file in Flightsim 2004/modules

And why are you doing that just to change the programming of a button? What has the programming of one button got to do with the macro and the macro file you originally programmed that button for?

But now I can not add new Mouse macro files anymore! ...

I've really no idea what you've done. Sorry.

Can you give me your advice?

Not really, as i cannot see what you've actually done. Sorry. If you want me to find out you'll need to ZIP up all of your Macro files and your FSUIPC INI file. (Otherwise I'd advise you simply to delete everything and start again).

Really, most of what you've done is simply not designed to be messed about with that way. I could have made all these files binary, or encoded them, to prevent folks messing, but it did seem to leave it more flexible to allow some editing. But editing when there's no need, and not knowing what you are doing, seems a little, er, foolhardy.

Maybe there's a problem, or a bug, I don't know, and i cannot tell from what you've said. i'd need to see what is happening with the data in exactly the mess you have it in.

ZIP it all and send to petedowson@btconnect.com.



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Dear Pete,

Thanks for your answers. I think I was too much focussed on 1 macro dedicated to 1 button, and this was clearly not correct.

When I discovered that 1 button needed to be changed, I only had to program another button and there was no reason at all to delete the macro also.

So I will follow your advice and this weekend I will start all over again with creating macro's and than assign the buttons and switches.

(if I run into problems I will come back again, but basically I think that I should try myself first to clean the mess I created).



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