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Problem with WideClient

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FS-PC = Windows XP SP3 => Server

Client-PC = Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit

A problem is:

I click the WideClient.exe on the my Desktop and first all seems to be OK but after 15-20 sec I see top of the WideClient

window a text: Waiting for a connection.

Here is the Logs

********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 20/11/08, Time 01:03:06.467: Client name is RMN-PC

469 Attempting to connect now

562 Trying TCP/IP host "RMN" port 8002 ...

562Okay, IP Address =

5500 ****** End of session performance summary ******

5500 Total time connected = 0 seconds

5500 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

5500 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

5500 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

5500 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 20/11/08, Time 01:08:04.572: Client name is RMN-PC

484 Attempting to connect now

578 Trying TCP/IP host "RMN" port 8002 ...

578Okay, IP Address =

765 Connection made okay!

36953 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

36953 Ready to try connection again

37000 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

37969 Attempting to connect now

37984 Connection made okay!

56250 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

56250 Ready to try connection again

56312 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

57265 Attempting to connect now

57281 Connection made okay!

75562 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

75562 Ready to try connection again

75609 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

76578 Attempting to connect now

76578 Trying TCP/IP host "RMN" port 8002 ...

76578Okay, IP Address =

76578 Connection made okay!

94859 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

94859 Ready to try connection again

94906 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

95875 Attempting to connect now

95875 Connection made okay!

96844 ****** End of session performance summary ******

96844 Total time connected = 90 seconds

96844 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

96844 Reception average whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

96844 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 102 bytes/sec

96844 Transmission average whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 21 bytes/sec

96844 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 1, Send frames lost = 0

96844 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 1, Alloc 46 Freed 46 Refused 0) *********

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.78] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 20/11/08, Time 01:07:01.406: Server name is RMN

45938 Initialising TCP/IP server

45985 Initialising IPX/SPX server

45985 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

45985 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

45985 Initialising UDP/IP server

46032 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

48235 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=6340) TCP

48375 Connected to computer "RMN-PC" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=6340) TCP

48407 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 358 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

50657 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

52688 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

54735 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

56766 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

58797 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

61032 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

63094 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

65110 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

67157 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

69469 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

71438 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

73516 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

75547 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

77578 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

79610 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

81860 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

83907 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6340) TCP

85438 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=6360) TCP

85672 Connected to computer "RMN-PC" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=6360) TCP

85703 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 358 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

87735 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

89797 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

92032 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

94047 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

96110 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

98141 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

100188 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

102485 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6360) TCP

104719 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=6380) TCP

104938 Connected to computer "RMN-PC" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=6380) TCP

104969 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 358 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

107016 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

109047 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

111094 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

113125 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

115375 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

117422 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

119453 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

121391 Client socket unused for too long: removing (skt=6340) TCP

121500 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

124000 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=6400) TCP

124250 Connected to computer "RMN-PC" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=6400) TCP

124282 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 358 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

126328 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

128641 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

130610 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

132672 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

134688 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

136735 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

138782 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 265 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

141047 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 256 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

141407 Client socket unused for too long: removing (skt=6360) TCP

143313 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=6420) TCP

143532 Connected to computer "RMN-PC" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=6420) TCP

143563 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 358 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6420) TCP

162719 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

162719 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

162719 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6420) TCP

163032 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

163032 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

163032 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6420) TCP

163328 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

163328 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

163328 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6420) TCP

163625 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

163625 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

163625 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6420) TCP

163922 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

163922 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

163922 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6420) TCP

164235 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6380) TCP

164235 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6400) TCP

164235 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10038 (skt=6420) TCP

169266 Close signalled to clients

170360 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 74 alloc, 74 free

Read buffer usage: 46 alloc, 46 free, max in session: 1

Write buffer usage: 16141 alloc, 16141 free, max in session: 1

Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "RMN-PC": 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

********* FSUIPC, Version 3.85 by Pete Dowson *********

Running on Windows Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

Verifying Certificate for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ...

SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay!

Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL)

User Name="RMN"

User Addr="rMN.com"

FSUIPC Key is provided

WideFS Key is provided

Module base=61000000



InitDelay: 0 seconds




6828 System time = 01:07:00

6828 \\RMN\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

6828 System time = 01:07:00, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)

14031 \\RMN\Documents and Settings\Rolf Niemi\Omat tiedostot\Flight Simulator Files\C206.flt

14062 AIRCRAFT\Carenado Cessna 206\Caren206.air

14234 Aircraft="Cessna 206 No PWV1"

18844 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

21766 \\RMN\Documents and Settings\Rolf Niemi\Omat tiedostot\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt

22078 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

48266 Traffic File #14 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic030528"

49484 Traffic File #43 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_155_woa_scandinavian airlines_su07"

49516 Traffic File #47 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_201_woa_finnair_wi07"

49641 Traffic File #16 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_blue1_su08"

50859 Traffic File #50 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_213_woa_ultimate ga learjet 45_su06"

50891 Traffic File #58 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_42_woa_lufthansa_wi07_fs9"

50937 Traffic File #59 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_58_woa_british airways_wi07"

156531 \\RMN\Documents and Settings\Rolf Niemi\Omat tiedostot\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt

156969 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

169922 System time = 01:09:43, FS2004 time = 01:07:09 (23:07Z)

169922 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Memory managed: 0 Allocs, 1998 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

I tryed solve this problem about two days now without success and the last hope is Yours forum - any help..?


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I click the WideClient.exe on the my Desktop and first all seems to be OK but after 15-20 sec I see top of the WideClient

window a text: Waiting for a connection.

No, it is never okay. No data ever reaches the client from WideFS. Your client PC is blocking everything the Server tries to send. Probably the firewall. Have you checked? Don't forget Vista's firewall is active against all incoming data by default. You have to either disable it or allow Port 8002 to operate.



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Hi Pete!

Thanks for the answere.

I use Panda Antivirus + Firewall 2008 my both PC's and the Windows own firewalls are both machine disable. Maybe the problem is my Router (D-Link DI-524) altought I did not chance anything on there. My connection worked very well at last week and well - I re-installed my XP (server-pc) :P , BUT all things should be as before re-installation. I have a good network connection betveen Table PC (XP) and Laptop (Vista).

I am sure - I mistake something now but now I have now idea about what is totally wrong on my settings..?



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I use Panda Antivirus + Firewall 2008 my both PC's and the Windows own firewalls are both machine disable. Maybe the problem is my Router (D-Link DI-524) altought I did not chance anything on there.

The antivirus section won't be doing anything to WideFS, but you need to check the firewall. If your router supplies decent firewall protection from the outside world I don't see why you need firewalls enabled BETWEEN your PCs in any case. I hate my systems stopping me doing what I want with them -- it isn't as if anyone else has access to them.

Normally your router won't have anything to do with your local connection. For them it is only acting as a switch or hub, surely? If it is doing some IP address translation even on the local network that could certainly mess things up, but it doesn't look like it from the logs.

The logs simply show that, whilst the Server can see stuff coming from the Client, nothing it sends is getting though. It is all being stopped. Since the Server is running XP and the client Vista it does look very much like a Vista safeguard, a firewall setting.



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Hi Pete!

Today I solved the problem. First I changed my Laptop OS from Vista to XP Pro. After that I had still a few problem until I changed on the WideClient.ini the Line: Protocol=TPC to Protocol=UDP. Now everything is perfect - uh huh...



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Today I solved the problem. First I changed my Laptop OS from Vista to XP Pro. After that I had still a few problem until I changed on the WideClient.ini the Line: Protocol=TPC to Protocol=UDP. Now everything is perfect - uh huh...

It certainly sounds like your problem was due to Vista's default firewall then. Evidently you didn't switch it off or enable WideClient to receive stuff on port 8002.

There is no protocol "TPC". Maybe you are thinking of "TCP"? The TCP/IP protocol set includes both TCP and UDP. They work identically except that UDP has a little less "red tape" (administrative information) and has no checking -- packets sent by UDP are not guaranteed (unlike TCP ones) and can arrive out of order. Otherwise UDP is recommended as being faster and applying less load on both PCs. I use it all the time -- it is fine on a good network, as the problems of lack of checking only arise when something is wrong.

With WideFS you should not need to specify either the Server name, or IP address, nor the Protocol, as the Server provides all that information in its broadcasts. ("ProtocolPreferred=" in the Server's INI). If you could only get it working by adding parameters to WideClient.INI then you have something else wrong -- probably you are not using the same WorkGroup name in both PCs.



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Hi Pete!

Yes - I mean TCP - sorry the mistype.

Well, I really have same Workgroup name in both PC's and every basic setup should be correct. I run FSCommander via Laptop and every time as I tryed connect it to the FS I got error message #14. About what it's mean - I have no idea but after changed the Protocol=UDP the problems are gone. I also added line ServerName=SERVER to the WideClient.ini.

Now I must to do a tetst and restart the both PC's and hope that everything works as they should be...

I'm believe that You are right - something could be wrong but mainthing is that all works - one solution is reinstall both Windows OS but not yet.



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... after changed the Protocol=UDP the problems are gone.

Hmm. Maybe some of the UDP transfers are actually faulty but since there are no checks on UDP those are simply ignored, whilst TCP is all thoroughly checked so any faults would generate a failure.

It may appear to be working most of the time. Maybe you don't notice the times when it is missing bits.



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