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I'm having a bit of a problem - I purchased both FSUIPC and WideFS7 through Simmarket, but I had different email addresses at the time. (bought fsuipc with my @rogers.com address, WideFS with my @gmail.com and now use a @me.com address. Thank spam for chasing me out of the old ones...)

I can't get both to register at once, only one or the other (even with the register both option on install).

I'm having a bit of a problem - I purchased both FSUIPC and WideFS7 through Simmarket, but I had different email addresses at the time. (bought fsuipc with my @rogers.com address, WideFS with my @gmail.com and now use a @me.com address.

SimMarket can sort it for you, or else you can send me all the details (both receipts, both sets of full registration details, and tell me which one you wish to use. Then I'll replace the other. Send to petedowson@btconnect.com.

It may not get done till tomorrow night now. I'm away most of the day tomorrow (Thursday).



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