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Mouse Macro Question


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Pete: I am trying to set up a mouse macro and everything goes well until the very last step (page 36 of manual)

At the end when I go back to FSUIPC Keys and Buttons, I click End Macro Making as stated. However,

what is meant by "loaded into FSUIPCs Key and Buttons ready for use? How do I now assign a button to

this mouse controlled function? I do see the macro file in the modules folder and the TAB key did work for the

particular gauge I am controlling. I must be missing something. Very much looking forward to get this to work.

Thanks, Al

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However, what is meant by "loaded into FSUIPCs Key and Buttons ready for use?

It means what it says, that the macros you created are loaded and ready for assignment in the Buttons & Switches tab, and also in the Keys tab.

How do I now assign a button to this mouse controlled function?

You go to the Buttons tab and assign the button!! Your macro will be in the list. They are in alphabetic order. If you remember the name you gave to the file and the name of the macro you should be able to find it easily! The same as any other control assignment!

What do you actually think might otherwise be meant by assigning a button or key? Have you never assigned any buttons or keys to any FS or FSUIPC controls before? If all this is new to you perhaps you should refer to those other chapters in the User Guide first?



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Hi Pete: Thanks. Yes I have assigned buttons and keys many times, using FS assignments and your FSUIPC.

However, I cannot find my assigned macro names in the drop down list when I select a particular

button or switch "for FS control".

The 3 names that I assigned to the macros I created are in the macro file in the modules folder but they are

not in the drop down list. Sorry if I was not very clear on things.

Everything worked well using the TAB key when I tested it out.

Thanks, Al

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The 3 names that I assigned to the macros I created are in the macro file in the modules folder but they are

not in the drop down list.

Do you remember the macro filename? Are you looking for that? The controls are named WITHIN the file, so the filename comes first. I'm sure it is all explained. This is not specific to "mouse macros", all macro files are treated the same. I even supplied example Macro files -- check those!


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Yes Pete, these macros I created are to be used for the ATR 500 plane. So I named the Macro file ATR. So I should be looking for this in the drop down menu? I was initially looking for the individual names that I assigned them. I am at work now but will check this out at as soon as I get home tonight. Thanks, Al

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Yes Pete, these macros I created are to be used for the ATR 500 plane. So I named the Macro file ATR. So I should be looking for this in the drop down menu? I was initially looking for the individual names that I assigned them. I am at work now but will check this out at as soon as I get home tonight. Thanks, Al

All macros are named : in the drop downs. This is as documented for macros in general. Obviously I can't allow just the macro names in the list with no qualifications, as many files might use the same names, especially for the same functions in different aircraft.

Mouse macros are simply one type of macro which can be generated in FSUIPC. The facility for macros in general has been in FSUIPC for a lot longer.



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Hi Pete. Working like a charm now. I was not looking under the Macro name. I found them all under ATR. Even made a few more after I got it working. Fantastic. This is a great utility to have for those mouse click functions that need to be done in flight and you just don't want to use the mouse but have too. Not any more.

One final question at this time. Is there any reason to check off "plane specific" for these mouse macros? I would not think so but wanted to ask the expert.

Thanks, Al

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Is there any reason to check off "plane specific" for these mouse macros? I would not think so but wanted to ask the expert.

Not really. The GAUGE file name which is used is listed in the file. If that isn't loaded then they won't work. If another aircraft uses the same gauge, then they would work (and that would be okay in any case), but it is just possible that another gauge with the same name is used, via the option to have gauge files in the Panels folders instead of in the Gauges folder, or in sub-folders of the Gauges folder. In that case the checking function built into the facility should normally stop anything untoward happening.



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