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fsuipc sdk arrival and departure possible?

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Hello i am a bit a newby in the programming world.

I managed so far that i have a program that changes a label into the airplane name.

What i now want to add is the departure airport example : ehrd en the arrival airport example ehbb.

And i wont to add te time the flight planner has given for the flight.

Is this possible.

I searched bye the way in the sdk programm that show the strings etc. but can't find anything whit arrival name en departure name.

I am coding in csharp bye the way.


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What i now want to add is the departure airport example : ehrd en the arrival airport example ehbb.

Do you mean for AI traffic? If so, they are both available through FSUIPC, in the TCAS_DATA2 structure -- the fields both (incorrectly) called "chICAO[4]" in the SDK documentation. Call them chICAOdep and chICAOarr instead.

And i wont to add te time the flight planner has given for the flight.

For AI? I'm afraid FSUIPC cannot supply those values. For FSX you can probably get them through the SimConnect interface, but I never figured out how to decode the binary data correctly for those in FS2004.

I searched bye the way in the sdk programm that show the strings etc. but can't find anything whit arrival name en departure name.

Not sure what program you mean. FSInterrogate? In any case, the SDK's "Programmers Guide" is the correct source of information, and all four TCAS tables are defined there in some detail.

If you mean the GPS plan for the user aircraft, the only information FSUIPC gets for any loaded plan is available in the offsets 6000 and following, those the documentation declares as "FS2004 GPS data area". These were found by others, and I really cannot vouch for any of it in FSX, but some of it does work in FS2004, though by reports not consistently. As far as I know the only name and time data available is that relating to the previous and next waypoints, not the complete route.



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