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How to use offset 3200(send keystrokes to FS)?

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Dear Pete:

I'm doing a small software trying to use a camera to control view direction of FS2004. So I need to send view command to fs through FSUIPC。But I'm confusd when I find the description in the Offset table as below :(



These locations operate the FSUIPC facility to send keystrokes to FS. For this to operate correctly the PC must be using Windows 98, ME or 2000. The facilities used just do not exist in Windows 95 nor NT.

3200 message (WM_KEYDOWN or WM_KEYUP)

3204 wParam for the message

3208 lParam for the message

All 12 bytes must be written in one IPC write. (This feature is used in WideClient version 3.998 and later, when the [user] parameter "SendKeyPresses=Yes" is included in its .ini file, to relay all non-system (i.e. no Alt key) key presses it receives to the WideServer host).

How to use offset 3200? Need I registe Widefs first? What are the messages? wParam ,lParam?

Thanks !


a fs fan.

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I'm doing a small software trying to use a camera to control view direction of FS2004. So I need to send view command to fs through FSUIPC。But I'm confusd when I find the description in the Offset table as below :(

If you want to send view commands, why not send view commands? Why send keystrokes?

How to use offset 3200? Need I registe Widefs first?

Oh dear. What has WideFS got to do with it? If you are writing a program to interface to FSUIPC, it will interface to FSUIPC if you run it on the FS PC. If you want an FSUIPC interface on a Network you need to buy and register WideFS in any case -- that is absolutely nothing to do with programming, but is required to use WideFS in the first place!

What are the messages? wParam ,lParam?

You need to know how to program a Windows program. Then look up the Windows message WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP in the normal Windows programming references, where all these things are explained.

Sending keystrokes via FSUIPC is must easier if you use the FSUIPC controls supplied for the purpose. See the Advanced Users guide. You can all FS controls, and almost all FSUIPC controls, via offset 3110. For most purposes, FS supplies controls to do what you want. Keystrokes get translated inside FS into FS controls in any case, so why not use the controls in the first place? Also users can re-assign keystrokes, so you may not get the result you expect, whereas FS controls are designed to control FS (oddly enough! ;-) ).


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