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FS9 path within FSUIPC

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Hi Pete,

Thank you very much for all the work over the years. Long time registered user, first time question asker :)

I have a question for you using 3.85 and the latest WideFS

Within my FSUIPC log I can see a path to FS being defined as \\server\share\msfs... That is ideal for my WideFS apps but I also have apps like PFE by Dave March installed locally. When PFE goes to look for a path from FSUIPC to write to the kneeboard on the local FS/PFE machine it is getting the WideFS path and failing to write locally. I was wondering how that path was determined and is it automatically defaulting to the fully qualified path because I also use WideFS? Would it be a local directory only without WideFS? How can I get both local and WideFS apps utilizing FSUIPC info to know the FS path?

Per Dave:

The error from the debug log is this....

1/14/2009 4:07:36 PM: 390 - Unable to setup ACARS ATIS Kneeboard due to a path error (see next entry)

1/14/2009 4:07:36 PM: 390 - Path used: \\XP64FS9\XP64 FS9 (L)\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

The FS path is grabbed from FSUIPC.....

So you can see it is ok for WideFS but not for a local app.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


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Within my FSUIPC log I can see a path to FS being defined as \\server\share\msfs... That is ideal for my WideFS apps ...

Actually it should be fine for ALL apps -- the format is called UNC where "U" is for Universal". That's the whole idea -- it doesn't matter whether you are on a different PC or the same PC, the path is correct.

... but I also have apps like PFE by Dave March installed locally. When PFE goes to look for a path from FSUIPC to write to the kneeboard on the local FS/PFE machine it is getting the WideFS path and failing to write locally.

I doubt that is anything to do with the UNC pathname. Check with PFE support, because all standard Windows-supported file access facilities handle UNC path names properly.

I was wondering how that path was determined and is it automatically defaulting to the fully qualified path because I also use WideFS?

No, FSUIPC supplies UNC path names so that any program anywhere can access the files they need.

Would it be a local directory only without WideFS?


The error from the debug log is this....

1/14/2009 4:07:36 PM: 390 - Unable to setup ACARS ATIS Kneeboard due to a path error (see next entry)

1/14/2009 4:07:36 PM: 390 - Path used: \\XP64FS9\XP64 FS9 (L)\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

And are you saying "\\XP64FS9\XP64 FS9 (L)\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\" is not a valid path? This is provided by the Windows installed on that PC, so it most certainly should be the correct path. Which part is wrong?

So you can see it is ok for WideFS but not for a local app.

It is no different for any app. The name of the current PC is the same whether you are running on that PC or not. Many many applications use UNC paths and do not know or care whether they are local or remote. That is the whole point of the system!



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Thanks Pete,

The path is correct and I can browse to it from the local machine as well so you are correct.

You answered all my questions regarding the UNC explanation thank you! I will check over with Dave and find out why this is failing.

Thank you for the quick reply, it is greatly appreciated.


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