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i copy and paste fsuipc into fs9- module as stated in the read me txt, but its not showing on the tag/bar or views/instrument panel

What do you mean by "tag/bar"? The FSUIPC menu entry only ever appears in the Modules menu, which is in the main menu bar when in normal flight mode. It is the right-most entry. View and Instrument panels are nothing to do with FSUIPC. I don't know why you mention those.

It said if you can't the dll read the user guide, thats a joke!!!

What's the joke? Won't you let us into it so we can all laugh? Or are you simply here be be insulting?


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hi pete, what i meant was the when you run fs and you press (ALT) menu tab opens, well i don't see the module. If i open fs9 and look in the module file its there. What is happing?

Can you recall the infomation about the if you can't see the fsuipc windows is set to not show the dll. Well i had a lokk at the user guide and it all puzzle up. So what am saying is hoe you go about setting windows to see the fsuipc .dll? Hope you do understand this time round, and am not here to be insulting, just here looking for your help and some consideration, i had payed for my registered key which i like to use... :?

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hi pete, what i meant was the when you run fs and you press (ALT) menu tab opens, well i don't see the module. If i open fs9 and look in the module file its there. What is happing?

If the FSUIPC.DLL file is present in the FS Modules folder, then it simply has to load, and if it loads it creates the Modules menu entry. There's no way it cannot.

Please list for me exactly all the filenames you see beginning with "FSUI" in the Modules folder. Don't "guess", read then in Explorer, without the filetypes (like .DLL) being hidden.

Can you recall the infomation about the if you can't see the fsuipc windows is set to not show the dll. Well i had a lokk at the user guide and it all puzzle up. So what am saying is hoe you go about setting windows to see the fsuipc .dll?

You don't set any windows to "see the fsuipc.dll". It doesn't set any windows, only the options presented when you open its menu entry. If the menu isn't there it isn't being loaded, If it isn't being loaded it isn't in the FS Modules folder. It is that simple.

i had payed for my registered key which i like to use... :?

Are you saying you haven't even tried installing it before deciding to pay for it? You never had it installed before?

Incidentally, please also make doubly sure that you only have one installation of FS, or if you have more, that you are looking in the correct Modules folder. I've had folks before swearing blind that they had the DLL installed, only to find after many exchanges and directory searches that they actually had two installations and were looking in one but loading from another!

It is FS which examines and loads all DLLs it finds in the Modules folder -- FSUIPC is not in control of its own loading. Even if you put a DLL from another program entirely into the Modules folder, FS will examine it and see if it can be loaded -- it gives an error if an invalid DLL in placed there.

Of course, this all changed with FSX. But you must be using FS9 or earlier, right?

Oh, one last thing. There have been some programs, in the past, which mess about with the way windows looks. Windows Blinds was one of these. There are probably others. The way they manipulate windows can sometimes mess the menu up and prevent additions to it. If you are running anything like that, stop it before running FS.



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Hi pete, thanks for your advise! To be quiet honest with you i did had it in the menu bar, but some what it has be removed form there. my only chance is to removeall the winzip files or any other fsuipc thats in the way. Here a copy of my fs9/modules file. Please take a look for me and see what you thing! Many thanks

yours truly


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Here a copy of my fs9/modules file. Please take a look for me and see what you thing! Many thanks

Sorry, I can't see it!

i have got FE.DLL-9.1.40901 - FSUI.DLL THATS IT!

Well, that is why FSUIPC.DLL cannot load! If it isn't there, it will NEVER be loaded! You've not actually installed it! :roll: There's only ONE step to do to install it, copy the FSUIPC.DLL to the FS Modules folder!!!!


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hi pete, thanks for the advice, but its now loaded and i didn't copy but i just drag the file into fs9/module.

Strangely enough, dragging is how you copy or move a file. Why quibble about the words being used. What do you think "copy a file into ..." means? :o

Now with registeration key its saying invalid. whats next? :(

You either have a bad registration or you are making a mistake. I am constantly amazed at how many folks can't even spell their own name the same way twice! :roll: If you are in doubt, copy and paste all three parts: name, email address and key. Don't guess! Don't even copy by hand if you can't read it properly!


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