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Network error with wideclient on VISTA and wideserver on XP

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I have a network problem, with my pc. I use 4 PC working together... 3 of my PC runing with XP, and I add a new one with VISTA...

My 3 pc with XP are runing very well together, with wideserver on the FS pc, and wideclient on both other pc... And i add the new one, I install the wideclient, same like two other... but it's impossible to work...

My 4 pc are on the same network, good communication between them, but with wideclient no!!! I have disconected all firewall, open and allow the 8002 port, but still nothing... The Wideclient report say that:

********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 18/01/09, Time 14:26:28.937: Client name is PC-DE-STEPHANEB

452 Attempting to connect now

1123 Server = BOEING747

3713 Trying TCP/IP host "BOEING747" port 8002 ...

3713 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

6131 Server = BOEING747

8674 Trying TCP/IP host "BOEING747" port 8002 ...

8674 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

10702 Giving up server, looking for another!

11123 Server = BOEING747

13681 Trying TCP/IP host "BOEING747" port 8002 ...

13681 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

16131 Server = BOEING747

18673 Trying TCP/IP host "BOEING747" port 8002 ...

18673 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

So, the problem is only on the vista PC... thanks in advance for your help...



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********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 18/01/09, Time 14:26:28.937: Client name is PC-DE-STEPHANEB

452 Attempting to connect now

1123 Server = BOEING747

3713 Trying TCP/IP host "BOEING747" port 8002 ...

3713 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

Hmm. I have seen that error before, once, but I don't really know what it means. Basically it seems that Window or Winsock cannot translate the computer name "BOEING747" into an IP address.

Tell me, have you explicitly set this name as "ServerName=..." in the WideClient INI file? If so why? Didn't the connection operate automatically? Are both PCs in the same WorkGroup? (Vista by default names Workgroups differently to XP).

I don't know how to fix the problem that Windows has in translating the name -- doesn't this stop you acceing the Server by that name via Explorer too?

But there are two things you could try:

1. Make sure both PCs have the same workgroup name, that port 9002 is not blocked on the Vista PC, and then delete any 2ServerName" and "Protocol" parameters from the WideClient INI file.


2. Delete the ServerName and use the ServerIPAddr parameter instead, giving the server's IP address explicitly. You need the Protocol parameter too, then.



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