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Registration problem

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Where do I register Wide FS? I have searched high and low, read the e-mail about 12 times, but can't seem to be able to register my download.

This is WideFS6 (for FS9 and before) or WideFS7 (for FSX and ESP)?

For WideFS6 it is done in the FSUIPC main options tab, in Fs-Modules-FSUIPC. You'll see the button on the right-habd side.

For WideFS7 it is an option offered to you by the FSUIPC4 installer, so just run the Insteller again.



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WideFS7 for FSX. I bought FSUIPC4 about 3 months ago, and just purchased wideFS. I found the instructions again after reading further. Sorry!!!

I have one PC with dual monitors. Will WideFS7 benefit me in any way? I want the cockpit screen to span the two monitors.

Before I post any more stupid questions, I will read all of the user guides. Lol.

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I have one PC with dual monitors. Will WideFS7 benefit me in any way? I want the cockpit screen to span the two monitors.

No, it is not of any use at all on one PC. It is networking software, to share FS data over a network. And it isn't anything to do with cockpits or views either. The networking of FS for views is done by a product called WidevieW, by Luciano Napolitano.

With dual monitors on one PC you should be able to simply stretch the FS windows you want over both monitors. You'll need to run in Windowed mode, but generally that's just as fast and can give sharper graphics.



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