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I apologize in advance because it's probably been asked many times before...

Are FSUIPC4 4.50 and WideFS 6.78 Windows Vista 64 compatible? If they are compatible, are there many trouble areas?

Many thanks!



Are FSUIPC4 4.50 and WideFS 6.78 Windows Vista 64 compatible? If they are compatible, are there many trouble areas?

100% compatible. Furthermore, they also work fine under Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. In fact, even though it is still in Beta, Win7 is better for FS so I'm now using it all the time! ;-)




Hi Pete,

Thank you for your good news and your fast and informative reply!

I'll be purchasing/registering them both in a few minutes. I'll also take your advice on an upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate 64 upon its release.

Many thanks again,



I'll be purchasing/registering them both in a few minutes.

Get the FSUIPC4 + WideFS7 package, they are cheaper bundled. You mentioned "FSUIPC4 4.50 and WideFS 6.78" but note that 6.78 is only the version number of the Client program (WideClient). On FSX the Server part is up to version 7 -- WideServer7 is built into FSUIPC4, but needs its own registration.




Hi Pete,

I purchased, installed and registered the FSUIPC4 and WideFS7 package.

Thank you for getting me straightened out on the WideClient and WideServer versions and for mentioning the bundle!


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