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About FS9 Realism Options

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Hello all and Pete,

I made a FSX module "black box" with control realisms 100% for my virtual airlines Europ' Airlines. It works with SimConnect for FSX.

Recently, I'm working on a new FS9 module with FSUIPC, I have some difficulties, I try to retrieve informations about realism Options.

I can retrieve these informations from FS9.cfg in section [REALISM].

But I prefer to check ingame the realism if one of our virtual pilots want to change these options.

I know Pete you noticed in your document FSUIPC SDK, but I tried these offsets :

- Realism : 0xC44 DOESN'T WORK

- Can Collide with Dynamic Scenery : 0x84A DOESN'T WORK

- Realism Options : 0xC46 WORK for Gyro and Manual Lights

- Display IAS or TAS : 0x612 DOESN'T WORK

- Auto - coordination : 0x278 WORK

If you have any ideas to retrieve any informations about these realism, thanks very much.



CEO Europ' Airlines


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I know Pete you noticed in your document FSUIPC SDK, but I tried these offsets :

- Realism : 0xC44 DOESN'T WORK

As it clearly says in the documentation. It hasn't worked since FS2000.

- Can Collide with Dynamic Scenery : 0x84A DOESN'T WORK


- Realism Options : 0xC46 WORK for Gyro and Manual Lights

Thanks -- no one has ever confirm it for FS2004. Sounds the same as for FS2000, as documented.

- Display IAS or TAS : 0x612 DOESN'T WORK

As clearly noted too.

- Auto - coordination : 0x278 WORK

Yes, also clearly noted.

You seem to be ignoring the documented status of these offsets, so why tell me here what is written already?

If you have any ideas to retrieve any informations about these realism, thanks very much.

No idea at all, not since FS98 and FS2000 days. If you have, please tell me.



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Don't worry Pete, I know you noticed "NO" for these offsets on FSUIPC SDK for Programmers :)

But I show everybody which we have some absent informations of FS9 realism.

I ask if someone has other ideas to have these informations ingame FS2004, that's all.

I can retrieve informations in the file fs9.cfg in section [REALISM].

But If the virtual pilot change realism ingame, FS9 doesn't update fs9.cfg automatically, unfortunately.

FS9 updates fs9.cfg only when we exit the simulator.

So, if someone has some ideas to have these informations automatically ingame, it could be pleasure for me.



PS : sorry for my bad english.

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But If the virtual pilot change realism ingame, FS9 doesn't update fs9.cfg automatically, unfortunately.

FS9 updates fs9.cfg only when we exit the simulator

Yes, so the only solution I found to get round this problem was to write at regular interval an appropriate value (0xFF000800 in this case) at offset 32F0, so as to disable the "Aircraft" menu. See the meaning of the different Bytes in the Programmers documentation. Be sure to enable it again (by writing 0) when leaving your application so as the options and menus return to normal. Unfortunately this possibility doesn't exist in FSX.


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