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Hello mr Dowson,

hope you enjoyed your holiday and haven't had to much trouble with the delicious "tinto de verrano" :D

I have a question how to assign a Joystickbutton that I can get the keypress "Right CTRL" out of it.

Backround is, that I want to control Teamspeak with the right CTRL on my keyboard AND with a joystickbutton which gives out a right CTRL keypress...

It depends which hand I will have free, so I need keyboard or joystick...

Thank you very much for it!!!


I have a question how to assign a Joystickbutton that I can get the keypress "Right CTRL" out of it.

I'm not sure the system used for keystrokes in FSUIPC can provide separate Left and Right shift and control codes, but try keycode 163. You'll need to edit this in the INI file. Assign something easy in FSUIPC's options then find the entry in the INI file and change the keycode you assigned to 163.

Backround is, that I want to control Teamspeak with the right CTRL on my keyboard AND with a joystickbutton which gives out a right CTRL keypress...

Why choose such an awkward keycode?



Why choose such an awkward keycode?

:D It's me!

Because I can assign right ctrl to teamspeak and right ctrl is perfect, because I'm lefthanded and while I have my mouse in the left hand, I can press with the right hand ctrl and speak...

And ctrl doesn't have any reaction when pressed alone.

Your solution doesn't work, respective the way I have tried it...

Here's the code:


I have tried also with "9" and "1" after the comma...

Maybe I can assign it ot shift, but it's the same problem??

Any ideas?


Your solution doesn't work, respective the way I have tried it...

I thought it might not, as I said.

Here's the code:


Yes, that's correct. I think the problem is that the extended codes like those need separate special treatment. I am not even sure I can generate them correctly.

Maybe I can assign it ot shift, but it's the same problem??

None of the normal shifts (shift, alt, ctrl) can be easily produced on their own, nor, it seems, can extended codes like the ones you want. Why not use the space bar or one of the normal keys? Surely there are many keys in easy reach. Why are you only looking at key modifiers?



I thought it might not, as I said.

Yes, I have understood it so...

Why not use the space bar or one of the normal keys?

Cause many normal keys have other functions... e.g. spacebar is for mouselooking.

Of course I can unassign this keys, but a big advantage of using FSUIPC was that, in case of an FSX reinstall, I just install FSX and use the standard key settings, because FSUIPC is configured with them...

But of course it is no problem to find an other key...

Was just wondering if there is a possibility to do it in this way.

Thank you very much for response...!

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