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fsuipc4 fsx registration

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Im trying to register fsuipc4 for fsx and am getting the run as administrator option which i am on my xp machine

but still the tabs to register are greyed out.

This is from the Installer? There are no registration facilities in FSUIPC4 itself, it is done by the installer as is made clear in the User Guide. And you certainly do not need to run the FSUIPC4 installer "as administrator" in any case -- as an installer it has enough privileges.

There are no provisions in the registration code in the Installer to grey any fields out. If you have any problems with the Installer please show me the Installer's log file.


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Ok i had the unregistered version installed in fsx and have now bought the reg version and widefs.

Now trying to install from installer but says key is invalid.

I apologise for my ignorance here peter but all help is much appreciated.

Dont worry helps if i put my own name in correctly really!!! :oops:


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Ok i had the unregistered version installed in fsx and have now bought the reg version and widefs.

You just run the Installer again to enter Registration details.

Now trying to install from installer but says key is invalid.

Assuming you did actually purchase FSUIPC4 + WideFS7 keys, not FSUIPC3 + WideFS6 keys, then you are most certainly making a mistake.

All three parts -- name, address, key -- must be exactly correct. If you aren't sure, use cut-and-paste.

Dont worry helps if i put my own name in correctly really!!! :oops:

Ahso you have fixed it?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought both FSUIPC4 and WideFS.

When I cut/paste my key in, it says not a 12 digit code. So I tried manually several times ( very carefully ) and still get the same issue. This is with FSUIPC. I haven't tried widefs.

Any help appreciated.. I can provide all purchase data if needed.

Paul Lazarus

Edited for notification of reply.

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I just bought both FSUIPC4 and WideFS.

When I cut/paste my key in, it says not a 12 digit code. So I tried manually several times ( very carefully ) and still get the same issue

There's no such error as "not a 12 digit code". I assume you mean not a valid one?

Assuming you bought keys for the version you are using, and not for FSUIPC3, You are making a mistake! In all (100%) of such cases ever reported it has always turned out that the user was not entering one of the three fields correctly. ALL PARTS MUST BE EXACT -- your name, your email address, your key, letter for letter identical to the registration made. Please use cut-and-paste for all three parts if you are not sure! It is easy to mix up 1's and I's, 2's and Z's, 0's and O's, and it never ceases to amaze me how many ways folks have of differently spelling their own names!



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Hi Pete,

You were right about the wording. Invalid 12 digit code.

OK I found the error. In the ordering process I must have put 2 spaces between my first and last name, because I triple checked everything and the only thing was these 2 spaces.

All sorted now. Thanks,

Paul Lazarus ( order number 527277 )

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Hi Mr Dawson,

I got FSUIPC last year with one email adress and I got WIDE FS this morning. The probem is since the time where I got FSUIPC and today I change my email adress; and so I cant registred WIDE FS because when I want registre it is not the same email address, What can I do.

Thank you .


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Hi Mr Dawson,

It is "Dowson", actually, but call me Pete, it is easier.

I got FSUIPC last year with one email adress and I got WIDE FS this morning. The probem is since the time where I got FSUIPC and today I change my email adress; and so I cant registred WIDE FS because when I want registre it is not the same email address, What can I do.

You really needed to mention this when purchasing. But SimMarket can still sort it out for you -- raise a Problem Ticket and explain the situation and give your original login email.

The email address itself isn't used by FSUIPC for anything other than tying the Keys specifically to you -- a street address would be used if you purchased by post. Both keys need to be tied to the same identity since there's only supposed to be one user.



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