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Can you take GPS unit

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Can you take GPS unit onto a plane for international flights? Can you take GPS unit onto a plane for international flights from Canada to the US and back again, like the ones for cars?

You can take it on, of course, but switch it on?

There should be no reason why not, but in my experience most airline staff will tell you to switch it off these days. Best to ask first to avoid getting into trouble. You also need a window seat and have it quite near the window as the metal aircraft body shields the signals rather well.

If you get permission, please do tell me what airline it was and who you asked. I think the pilot would be the best person because he knows well that GPS signal reception is a normal thing for aircraft in any case. The cabin crew tend to be more dogmatic, "rules is rules", and the rules generally state no transmitting or receiving apparatus.

I'm off to Russia soon for a two week break, touring the railways between Moscow, St.Petersburg, Murmansk and Archangel, with steam traction. That's my main use for my GPS unit -- tracking the exact routing on my TPC air navigation maps! ;-)

Good luck!


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