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Led don't stay on

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Estimated Peter

This is the first time I'm writing you, and I realy need your help, I guess this cuestion has been asked to you before, but I don't know how to resolve it, I brought a goflight P8 module, and I would like to configure this way

button 1.- ctl+shift+e opening main door

button 2.- ctl+shift+b belt sign on and off (fspassengers)

button 3.- ctl+shift+w call and close AES menu (Aeroport Enhancement Service)

button 4.- ctl+shift+t on and off ambientence music boarding (fspassengers)

I configured thru the Key mapping's goflight, but when I push the button, the led doesn't stay on, the funtion works, but the led just flash every time I push the button, can you help me, or direct me to some post where the led on and off could be configured thru FSUPIC?

Your help will be appreciated :D

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I've read that Pete was off from the forum

please I' call for help, I've been reading many superadvanced post here, and downlading the Gf dispay wrote by pete, but simply I don't understand many teorics that is in it, what I want is simple (I guess), is when I programed the "ctl+shift+e" funcion in the gofconfig, the led stay on, and when I press again closing it the led turns off, it is so compliacted? sorry but I'm frustrate.

any help will be grateful

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please I' call for help, I've been reading many superadvanced post here, and downlading the Gf dispay wrote by pete, but simply I don't understand many teorics that is in it, what I want is simple (I guess), is when I programed the "ctl+shift+e" funcion in the gofconfig, the led stay on, and when I press again closing it the led turns off, it is so compliacted? sorry but I'm frustrate.

The GFdisplay program can do anything you like with the LEDs, provided the state needed can be determined from FSUIPC offset values.

Unfortunately, except for Door Open, none of your assign commands are releated to anything in FS itself, only some add-on program, so there's no way FSUIPC can provide the inforation which GFdisply would need.

It is possible to do what you want, but not easy for that reason. You would need not only to assign key keypresses you want to each button, but also an FSUIPC control called "Offset byte togglebits", which will change the value in an offset which GFdisplay could test.

Try this:

Assign the Press of your button to the keypress you want.

Assign the Release of your button to "Offset byte togglebits", with the Offset entry set to x66C0 and the parameter set to 1 (then 2, 4, 8 etc for other buttons).

In the GFdisplay file you'd then set the LEDs by


L0.1=X66C0 U16 M0001

L1.1=X66C0 U16 M0002

L2.1=X66C0 U16 M0004

L3.1=X66C0 U16 M0008




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Hello pete I'm celebrate your back in forums, I give you the best of welcomes. :D

First to all, I'l like beg you something, can you take me by hand in the procedure?, I mean steep by steep I'm realy shame :oops: because this is my first time programing this stuffs, I've download the GFdisplay, and I have my FSUPIC, full licenced, but beyond of that I realy don't know what to do.

All my Goflight' modules are configured by the Goflight config's program, no thru FSUPIC (GF-T8, GF-LGT, GF-TQ6), the GF-P8 is configured thru the Goflight config too, I have this Key mapping in it, and this is what I need.

button 1.- shift+e Mind door open close (FS default open/close door, simmers sky overland's models)

button 2.- shift+a back door open close (FS default Wing fold/unfold, simmers sky overland's models)

button 3.- shift+k stairs call (FS default Tail whell look/unlook, simmers sky overland's models)

button 4.- shift+e+2 lugagge doors (FS default select exit plus "2" item, simmers sky overland's models)

button 5.- ctl+shift+v display/hide mind window Fspassengers (no FS default assignament, Fspassengers)

button 6.- ctl+shift+t start/stop music ambientance Fspassengers (no FS default assignament, Fspassengers)

button 7.- ctl+shift+w display/hide mind window AES Aeroport Enhaiment Services (no FS default assignament, Aerosoft)

button 8.- ctl+shift+b belt sign on/off Fspassengers (no FS default assignament, Fspassengers)

If it is posible configure this control, I'm thinking buying more, to have AES, And FSpassenger's comands full avilable thru GF-P8 funtions.

sorry for my english, but I hope I've explinded and welcome back again

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First to all, I'l like beg you something, can you take me by hand in the procedure?

To do what? I'm sure you can assign your keypresses to buttons in FSUIPCEVERYONE, and I do mean EVERYONE, can do that. I cannot explain more here than is shown in the documentation, and in any case it is all evident on screen.

If you've not even tried, then go do so. No one is going to do ALL of your work for you. If you are intelligent enough to fly an aircraft then you are certainly more than intelligent enough to do simple things like make buttons send keypresses.

All my Goflight' modules are configured by the Goflight config's program, no thru FSUPIC (GF-T8, GF-LGT, GF-TQ6), the GF-P8 is configured thru the Goflight config too, I have this Key mapping in it, and this is what I need.

Well if you are happy using the GF software, what is the problem?

If you cannot even assign keypresses in FSUIPC, then I would not even try to use GFdisplay. It will be too much for you. Sorry. But why worry about the LEDs?



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