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Hi, guys! I'm newbie here, so maybe I'm going to ask a lot. Hope you aren't gone mad with my questions :)

I'm trying to make ACARS system using VB6. I have read all the pages on SDK documentation.

What i don't understand is how to place those codes on the program. It doesn't mean i don't know how to type it, but what i don't understand is about how te placement in the coding. Although i have read all informations from the SDK, i still don't really understand about this one.

And, if there is someone kind enough to share us the samples (at least it shows the basic of the coding), i would be grateful enough.

Thanks in advance

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I know you asked specifically for VB6 but may I recommend that you download the VB.net express edition. Its free and you can get it from Microsoft website.

I used to use VB5 and 6, not for FS programming, for college many years ago. Bit of a learning curve changing to .net as its object based but easy enough to grasp if you are an able programmer.

Reason being is that you can then download and use Paul Hentys fabulous FSUIPC Client DLL as posted above which contains very clear examples of how to read/write data to/from FS.

As both softwares are free you can try them and always delete if you don't like them!



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