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Automated Macro for opening doors

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Hello everybody, hello mr. Dowson.

Since I haven't realized the full capability of FSUIPC macros, I would like to know if there is a way, trough FSUIPC, to obtain that - upon loading an aircraft - the primary and secondary doors are automatically opened.

I am still using FS9 ...

Thanks for the attention, and three greens to everybody !


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Since I haven't realized the full capability of FSUIPC macros, I would like to know if there is a way, trough FSUIPC, to obtain that - upon loading an aircraft - the primary and secondary doors are automatically opened.

Not with macros, as they are simply collections of controls -- they cannot read and detect things.

You could do it easily with a small Lus plug-in, though I'm not sure what you mean by "loading an aircraft" so I'm not sure how you'd detect that. Perhaps you meant on landing? But then surely you wouldn't want the doors flying open on the runway after touchdown?

If you meant something sensible, like doors opening after coming to a standstill, parking brake on and engines stopped, then those conditions can all be detected in a Lua plug in, by reading FSUIPC offsets, and the doors opened by either using the appropriate FS controls or writing to the relevant offset.

Lua plug-in details are provided in separate documents within the FSUIPC package, but for offset data you'd need to download the FSUIPC SDK. Ignore the rest of the SDK contents, you just want the table of offsets in the Programmer's document.

I'll be happy to answer further specific questions, short of actually doing the work for you! ;-)



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Sorry for not picking up a correct word, thus causing a misunderstanding !

By "loading" I actually meant "selecting" an aircraft, like you do when you create a flight.

When the situation is ready, you know, the a/c is kind of initialized, with main battery off, gear down, and all doors closed, etc.

I simply wanted to obtain both doors open upon flight creation.

Did I make myself clearer now ?

Where precisely do I get more info about "Lus" or "Lua" within FSUIPC doc (as you wrote both) plug-ins ?

(Ok for the offset table within the SDK, I've already consulted it occasionally)

Thanks and regards,


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By "loading" I actually meant "selecting" an aircraft, like you do when you create a flight.

Why would you want that? That would preclude ever selecting an aircraft or flight when not parked on the ground with engines off.

When the situation is ready, you know, the a/c is kind of initialized, with main battery off, gear down, and all doors closed, etc.

Why not, then, do it on the conditions I stated. Gear down, parking brake off, engines not combusting? If all those conditions are true, and the doors are not open, then open them.

Where precisely do I get more info about "Lus" or "Lua" within FSUIPC doc (as you wrote both) plug-ins ?

The Lua documentation supplied with the FSUIPC package gives you everything I can give. There are some working examples provided too. It also provides a link to the Lua website where you will find a complete reference section.

There's also an Announcement above about the Lua facilities, in case you have lost some of your FSUIPC package.



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