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A l'attention de Monsieur Pete DAWSON


Nouveau sur le forum, je suis confronté au même problème que Dimitrixxx, il y a quelques semaines...Je viens d'acquérir FUIPC4 en vue de programmer mon ensemble Fight Pro SAITEK.

Première tentative d'installation sur un PC HP 2Gb pour découvrir le logicile...L'Installation se fait normalement mais FUIPC n'apparaît pas dans FSX...

Deuxième tentative d'installation sur le PC dédié exclusivement au simulateur avec pour résultat, le message relatif à la SIGNATURE.

Inutile de préciser que j'ai fait le tour de tout les forums, tout essayé au niveau des sécurutés et lu, une bonne dizaine de fois les dix points préalables du guide d''utilisation...Sans résuktat...Tout le monde semble être en PSV au sein d'un épais brouillard...


Depuis les dernioers contacts sur le sujet avec Dimitrixxx, le problème a t il été traité et si oui quelle est la solution ???

Merci d'avance...



Matériel :

Vista 64 bits

FSX Accélérator

Processur 3Gb

N'Vidia 9600

8Gb de mémoire

Deux DD Sata monté en Raid

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I hope Google tranlated this okay:

For the attention of Mr Pete DAWSON

I assume you mean Pete DOWSON.

New to the forum, I am facing the same problem Dimitrixxx few weeks agoI just bought FUIPC4 to program my whole SAITEK Pro Fight.

You should really download and install it first, before purchasing it. Much safer that way, to be sure you can use it!

First attempt to install on a PC HP 2Gb logicile to discoverThe facility is normally FUIPC but does not appear in FSX ...

I would need to see both the Install log and FSUIPC log files from the FSX Modules folder. Such problems are normally due to Simconnect problems, often arising from attempts to uninstall and reinstall FSX or one of its updates (SP1 or SP2).

Second attempt to install on the PC dedicated exclusively to the simulator with the result, the message on the SIGNATURE.

Sorry, I would need more information about that. What message exactly? Again, Log files would assist -- that is why they are produced. they are always the first thing to look at. They contain all the details.

You list a PC configuration at the end of your message. Which PC is that for -- the one where FSUIPC4 installed but didn't show, or the one with the unspecified message referring to a signature?

Since the dernioers contacts on the subject with Dimitrixxx, the problem he was treated and if so what is the solution?

Sorry, you need to give a link. And if the thread was not completed by a final reply announcing success, possibly he didn't reach a solution?



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Hello Pete...

Would you apologize...I mean Pete DOWSON...

OK...Point to point...

1/ You CANNOT download the product BEFORE puchase ! It's the dream of all but...!

My order was ad presilely " FSUIPC4 for FSX 64 bits...What more needed ?

2/ Understand...Simconnect but it's not very important because the little computer was just to try FSUIPC4

3/ The configuration is the computer exclusively dedicated to simulator...

4/ and the message is :

X " problem ! My signature check fails on the installed FSUIPC4.DLL - Please check that I am not listed an "untrusted publisher" in Internet Explorer ( Internet Option - Content Publishers ) "

I do that and check...NO RESULT

You have an exemple of this message in the DIMITRIXXX post and your reply of Mar 14 2009...

Have you any idea or solution ?

Best regards


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1/ You CANNOT download the product BEFORE puchase !

Oh yes you can. FSUIPC can be used WITHOUT purchase. The purchasing only gives you access to additional user facilities. The main purpose, interfacing to other add-ons, if free, as it always has been. See http://www.schiratti.com/dowson , and the Updates and Goodies announcement here.

My order was ad presilely " FSUIPC4 for FSX 64 bits...What more needed ?

There is no 64-bit version of either FSUIPC4 or FSX.

2/ Understand...Simconnect but it's not very important because the little computer was just to try FSUIPC4

Sorry, I don't understand this part. FSUIPC4 needs SimConnect -- it is how it interfaces to FSX for 99% of its tasks.

If you have a problem, any problem, with FSUIPC4, I need to see both the Install log and FSUIPC4 log files, both from the FSX Modules folder. They'll be quite short. Paste them in your reply.



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Sorry Pete, to complex...I will buy another Yoke...More simple...

Sorry, but I don't know how a yoke comes into it at all. FSUIPC certainly isn't needed for any yoke I know, except the serial port ones made by PFC, but they also need a PFC digital control system. FSUIPC certainly isn't needed for any Saitek hardware. They provide their own drivers.



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