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FSUIPC ‘Mouse macro’, ‘Key Press’ or ‘Joystick button’ shortcut for turning ATC Sound ON and OFF

When using Radar Contact (RCv4), FS9’s ATC sound should normally be turned off. Once landed at the destination airport however, version 4 of RC cannot help to navigate to a gate or parking. FS9’s ATC sound should then preferably be turned back on for using the simulator ATC to request Taxiway and Gate or Parking instructions. I’ve tried to automate the various steps described below but have not been successful:

1. Press Alt key (which displays FS9’s menu bar)

2. Using the mouse, select OPTIONS, SETTINGS, SOUND

3. Using the mouse, click the box for Air Traffic Control to turn ATC sound OFF or ON (if a check mark is present in the box, clicking the box will delete the check mark thereby turning ATC Sound OFF or, if a check mark is not present in the box, clicking the box will add a check mark thereby turning ATC Sound ON.

During a flightsim session, automating this process would prevent having to perform the above steps manually which breaks the ‘immersion’ factor. Is automating this process using FSUIPC possible? That function is not listed in the list of ‘Controls sent when keys pressed’.

Any help would be much appreciated.



  Jean-Jacques said:

When using Radar Contact (RCv4), FS9’s ATC sound should normally be turned off. Once landed at the destination airport however, version 4 of RC cannot help to navigate to a gate or parking.

No, that is something being developed in RCV5, as yet unreleased. Alternatively the FollowMe application works very well.

FS9’s ATC sound should then preferably be turned back on for using the simulator ATC to request Taxiway and Gate or Parking instructions. I’ve tried to automate the various steps described below but have not been successful:

Sorry, there is no way I know of automating menu actions. You can have a sequence which opens a menu for you, but then, when it is open, the FS process is in a mode where only the menu dialogue is active and other parts of FS cannot run.

Please, either await RCV5 (or submit an application to join the Beta group), or try the FollowMe application -- which much more realistically provides you with a Follow Me vehicle to follow to the Gate or Runway.




Many thanks Pete for your quick and clear answer and for your suggestions. Much appreciated.



CYND Ottawa/Gatineau

Gatineau, Québec, Canada

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