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Overcast option

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Mr. Dowson

Would it be possible for an external program or a module like FSUIPC to force FS to reduce visibility to 0 whenever the user aircraft is within an overcast cloud layer? The module would have to monitor the weather at the user aircraft (overcast layer altitudes) and compare it to the users altitude. If an overcast layer exists say between 1000ft and 3000ft could fsuipc or some other module be made to reduce vis to 0 while the aircraft is between those altitude and revert back to the default upon exiting. I use FS9 and its overcast has always had problems. I know FSUIPC knows when the user is in an area that has an overcast layer, I dont know if it can read the bases and tops. I think an option like this would give a more realistic feel for flying in an ovc layer. Since I am not a programmer I wouldnt know how to achieve this so I look to someone who knows much more about the inner workings of FS.

Thankyou for listening


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Would it be possible for an external program or a module like FSUIPC to force FS to reduce visibility to 0 whenever the user aircraft is within an overcast cloud layer? The module would have to monitor the weather at the user aircraft (overcast layer altitudes) and compare it to the users altitude. If an overcast layer exists say between 1000ft and 3000ft could fsuipc or some other module be made to reduce vis to 0 while the aircraft is between those altitude and revert back to the default upon exiting. I use FS9 and its overcast has always had problems.

The visibility does normally descrease to about zero when actually IN clouds, providing one is not near the edge or top or bottom surface, when it should be translucent. These are graphics effects which are rendered better on some video cards and drivers than others. They can also be affected markedly by different add-on cloud textures. I never heard of any specific problems otherwise with FS9.

For FS9 it is certainly possible for an external program to do what you request, but doesn't Active Sky already fix the non-overcast overcast layers quite well? It isn't something I'd want to do at this stage for FS9, nearly 6 years after its release with no reports of any such problems in all that time. And I'm afraid it isn't possible to do it in FSX at all.

I know FSUIPC knows when the user is in an area that has an overcast layer, I dont know if it can read the bases and tops.

It does supply the nominal cloudbase altitudes and layer thickness, though both are subject to some deliberate random variation graphically. Additionally the thickness is only nominal because the tops can have all sorts of fancy shapes, not a flat plain at all.



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Thankyou very much for your response. I have activesky 6.5 and as far as I understand the overcast enhancement helps more to patch the holes in the fs9 default overcast by doubling the layers. However its been my experience that the bases are never really accurate. If a station is reporting 300ft overcast i will see the ground and airport at altitudes much higher. For me there has been no such thing as breaking out at 300ft in FS9. The option I suggest would only be to assist Activesky, I still would like to get that "in the soup" type of feeling. It is encouraging though to know that an external program could be possible. I could be still be flying fs9 6 years from now, so in that time I may be able to learn more about these types of programs maybe even a gauge. Thanks again for your response and for FSUIPC as I've been using it since fs2002.


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I have activesky 6.5 and as far as I understand the overcast enhancement helps more to patch the holes in the fs9 default overcast by doubling the layers. However its been my experience that the bases are never really accurate. If a station is reporting 300ft overcast i will see the ground and airport at altitudes much higher.

Hmm. I've not used FS9 for years, but I seem to recall that ActiveSky did quite a reasonable job. Maybe you have some other options to explore in it?

Maybe a question for HiFi Simulation? Possibly it is something which is improved upon in ASA? They obviously won't be adding anything more to AS6.5, but ASA is current and developing.



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very very old


I remember walking away from that conversation a little confused. I believe they thought I wanted the vis to drop each time you entered an actual cloud. I really just wanted it to happen within the overcast boundaries regardless of visual clouds. I'll take a look at ASA, really not sure why I havent to this point. I may even resurrect this old topic :) Thanks again. If you have any suggestions as to were i could start making a little utility for myself I would appreciate it. Keep in mind, I am a COMPLETE noob when it comes to programming, I'd need a dummy book.

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very very old


I remember walking away from that conversation a little confused. I believe they thought I wanted the vis to drop each time you entered an actual cloud. I really just wanted it to happen within the overcast boundaries regardless of visual clouds.

Well, I just read through that whole thread (not seen it before), and most of it of course was really Jim misunderstanding what you wanted -- he was thinking of the "see through" nature of cloud layers unless they are very very thick. But when it seemed he really did understand what you wanted, he then only thought of doing it using cloud graphics, which as he said isn't on. Evidently, at least back then, he didn't realise that the actual visible screen effect can be directly controlled in FS9, through an FSUIPC offset -- the offset FSUIPC uses to achieve the graduated visibility. It is totally independent of clouds and of visibility layers.

Unfortunately I cannot do the same in FSX -- I never found a way, and SimConnect certainly doesn't provide that, even though it was promised in my early negotiations with the FS team. Unfortunately a lot of the weather stuff became, er, less than well-developed because the lady who did the Weather module left and I don't think anyone else understood it!



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