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Is there a function in fsuipc v.4.52 to assign a key on my keyboard that pull the knob for speed, heading and altitude for the pmdg md-11.

I alrady have assigned for push and rotate but not to pull whits is an importend one.

Is there a function in fsuipc v.4.52 to assign a key on my keyboard that pull the knob for speed, heading and altitude for the pmdg md-11.

I alrady have assigned for push and rotate but not to pull whits is an importend one.

Don't PMDG provide any keyboard shortcuts for whatever those functions are? They usually do.

Otherwise, you'd need to see if a Mouse Macro might work. Are you push/rotate functions mouse macros, or keyboard assignments?



thanks, i wil look in pmdg.

these are the functions, all the other functions are working only the pull functions not yet.

1) Airspeed on the MD-11 is controlled by setting the speed

manually in the speed window, or by turning speed control over to

the FMS. There are three different functions you can access

using the airspeed knob:

a. To hold the current airspeed, PUSH the knob to activate

SPEED HOLD at the current airspeed.

b. Rotating the knob allows you to set a new target speed.

c. To command the autopilot to adjust speed in accordance

with the speed you have set in the window, PULL the


2) Heading on the MD-11 is most often controlled by a heading bug,

or by turning navigation over to the FMS. There are three different

functions you can access using the airspeed knob:

a. For hold your current heading PUSH the knob enter HDG

HOLD mode.

b. Rotating the knob allows you to set a new desired


c. To command the autopilot turn to the heading bug, PULL

the knob. (The airplane will always follow the heading


3) Altitude on the MD-11 is controlled manually, or in PROF (profile)

mode. For manual control of altitude:

a. For manual altitude control, PUSH the knob to enter

altitude HOLD mode.

b. Rotate the knob to select a desired altitude.

c. PULL the knob to initiate a climb or descent to capture the

new altitude. This type of climb is very similar to FLCH in

a Boeing airplane.

d. You can also initiate a climb by setting a new altitude in

by ROTATING the knob, then using V/S to climb or

descend. (Or you can enter the climb/descent using V/S

and then pull the altitude knob to continue the


these are the functions, all the other functions are working only the pull functions not yet.

Thanks, but I didn't really need such a full documentation on these parts of the aircraft, I don't need to know any of that. All I needed was to know how you are programming the ones that work and why you cannot program the others! If i knew you were successfully using mouse macros, for example, then maybe that could be explored further.

Unfortunately, despite the long message, you didn't actually mention how you programmed anything!





PMDG_MD11_Kbd.ini in de \PMDG directory in ..\FSX

the FCP part:




SPD Push (hold)=Tab+V

SPD Pull (set)=Ctrl+Tab+V

SPD Bug Increase=Shift+Tab+8

SPD Bug Decrease=Shift+Tab+7

FMS SPD=Ctrl+Shift+F

HDG Push (hold)=Shift+Tab+H

HDG Pull (set)=Ctrl+Tab+H

HDG Bug Increase=Shift+Tab+2

ALT Push (hold)=Shift+Tab+W

ALT PULL (set)=Ctrl+Tab+W

ALT Bug Increase=Shift+Tab+4

ALT Bug Decrease=Shift+Tab+3

VS/FPA Toggle=Shift+Tab+/

FEET/METER Toggle=Shift+Tab+T

HDG/TRK Toggle=Shift+Tab+D

HDG Bug Decreasee=Shift+Tab+1

IAS/MACH Toggle=Tab+R

V/S Bug Increase=Shift+Tab+6

V/S Bug Decrease=Shift+Tab+5

these are my settings, defined from the dropdown Add-ons menu /PMDG

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