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Newbie question. I've been flying FSX extensively for the past 2 years. I recently purchased a netbook with Seattle Avionics software (moving map) on it. I'd like to hook up the netbook when I fly FSX on my desktop. Neither computer has a serial port. Can I do it? If so, what do I need to make it happen.

Here is what I have

Desktop (which I run FSX on)

- HP800m

- USB ports galore, no serial

- 1394 port

- no bluetooth but I could attach one externally if needed.


- USB ports

- bluetooth receiver

It sounds like I need Peter's very well respected GPSout program.

- Is this part of FSUIPC or is it different?

- If I get FSUIPC, does it do GPSout (I've been meaning to purchase FSUIPC anyways to better configure my Saitek controls)

- Where do I download GPSout from

- Is there a software that will allow me to connect both computers via USB? Are there other options for those of us with no serial ports?

Thanks for any guidance you can share....

Doug Wells

I'm happy to purchase whatever software is needed to do this. I'd rather not open up either the netbook or desktop to install a serial port.

Newbie question. I've been flying FSX extensively for the past 2 years. I recently purchased a netbook with Seattle Avionics software (moving map) on it. I'd like to hook up the netbook when I fly FSX on my desktop. Neither computer has a serial port. Can I do it? If so, what do I need to make it happen.

Almost no PCs, let alone Netbooks, have serial ports these days. But USB's can do anything., Yuo can get any and all manner of ports plugging into USB (even old extinct Game Ports!). A simple USB-Serial adapter can cost as little as a few dollars or pounds.

There are two ways of linking the PC to the Netbook. The most useful might be to Network them -- connect them via an Ethernet cable, or use the Wireless connection on the netbook and get a Wireless card or USB adapter for the PC. ONce you have the two networked, you'd need to purchase a WideFS key, and you'd need a Virtual Serial Port driver in the Netbook. Details of this stuff are in the simple GPSout documentation.

Alternatively, two USB Serial adapters and a null modem cable linking the two. (Actually the cable only needs 3 wires -- details are also in the doc).

It sounds like I need Peter's very well respected GPSout program.

- Is this part of FSUIPC or is it different?

For FS9 and before, GPSout is a separate module. You have to install FSUIPC (version 3.xxx) as well, but it doesn't need purchasing.

For FSX, GPSout is part of the user facilities which you pay for when you buy a key for FSUIPC4.

- Where do I download GPSout from

Same as all my software, http://www.schiratti.com/dowson. Please also peruse the Announcements in this Forum. There's a lot of information there.




Thanks for the reply Peter. I purchased a key for both FSUIPC and WideFS.

- Do I need a license for both the netbook and the desktop (FSX is on the desktop & moving map Seattle Avionics on the netbook)

- Could you point me to a resource to help me understand how to network the desktop and the netbook wirelessly. I currently have wifi on the desktop and netbook has it as well. But, I am not sure how to network the two together.

- It sounds like with WideFS, FSX from the desktop will be able to share FSX info with the netbook, correct?

- If the units are connected wirelessly, do I still need the virtual serial port software?

Sorry for such basic questions. FSX has definitely helped me expand my IT knowledge but I have not broken into this ground in the past.

Thank you


I purchased a key for both FSUIPC and WideFS.

- Do I need a license for both the netbook and the desktop (FSX is on the desktop & moving map Seattle Avionics on the netbook)

Not for anything of mine. The keys enable the user facilities in FSUIPC and the Server capabilities of WideFS. You can have as many Client PCs as you like.

- Could you point me to a resource to help me understand how to network the desktop and the netbook wirelessly. I currently have wifi on the desktop and netbook has it as well. But, I am not sure how to network the two together.

Sorry, I just buy books on these things from a bookshop. Expensive option. Really all you should need is the help from Microsoft Windows.

- It sounds like with WideFS, FSX from the desktop will be able to share FSX info with the netbook, correct?

Yes, but I'm assuming this Netbook is running Windows? I notice some of them run some cut down version of Linux? If it isn't Windows, the WideFS route is a dead duck.

- If the units are connected wirelessly, do I still need the virtual serial port software?

You only need it if you are using WideFS. If you connect by serial ports then you have real serial port input to your moving map, not virtual. The point is that the Moving Map software will be expecting a GPS connection via a serial port, it isn't written to interface to Flight Sim!

You have checked that the map software does allow input in NMEA 0183 or Aviation format? The documentation will surely tell you about setting up the serial port connection?



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