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FSUIPC 3.9 and FS2000

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I cannot get FS2000 to run with FSUIPC 3.9 in Modules directory. Any help or suggestions will be appreciateed. Thanks

FS2000? Phew! That's 10 years old! I've actually got no way of debugging in FS98 or FS2000 these days. The earliest I can go back to now is FS2002, and that not for long.

Is there an FSUIPC.LOG file produced in the Modules folder? If so, show it to me. If not, then it sounds as if you haven't actually put FSUIPC.DLL into the Modules folder.

What version of Windows are you using? 3.1? 95? 98? Me?



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Thanks for your quick reply. I'm running windows XP Home Edition. Here is the FSUIPA log. Thanks.

********* FSUIPC, Version 3.90 by Pete Dowson *********

Running on Windows Version 5.0 Build 2195

Verifying Certificate for "C:\FS2000\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ...

SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay!

Running inside FS2000

User Name="Leo Di Gioia"

User Addr="leodig@comcast.net"

FSUIPC Key is provided

WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

Module base=61000000



InitDelay: 3 seconds



14953 System time = 05:57:48

14953 \\LJD\C\FS2000\

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Thanks for your quick reply. I'm running windows XP Home Edition. Here is the FSUIPA log. Thanks.

Well that shows nothing wrong, though I can't tell if everything is okay because the Log is unfinished. You really need to close FS down before showeing me the log so i can see the end of it too.

So, when you say "I cannot get FS2000 to run with FSUIPC 3.9 in Modules directory", what exactly do you mean, because it evidently is running (subject to seeing that the log ending is also okay)!



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I just tried to start FS2000 twice, and the log file remained unchanged in contents. Here is what happens: On startup I get the ms video then the intial screen which contains the Concorde. At tihs point it hangs and then I get the sgreen which states that " FS2000 encountered a problem and needs to close" -- Report problem to MS, etc. In the error reports among other things identified is Modile 1 -- FS2000.ICD. FS2000 automatically shuts down -- But the contents of the log file is no different than what I sent earilier. I hope I''ve explanined what's happening adequately. Thanks so much for your time.



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I just tried to start FS2000 twice, and the log file remained unchanged in contents. Here is what happens: On startup I get the ms video then the intial screen which contains the Concorde. At tihs point it hangs and then I get the sgreen which states that " FS2000 encountered a problem and needs to close" -- Report problem to MS, etc. In the error reports among other things identified is Modile 1 -- FS2000.ICD. FS2000 automatically shuts down -- But the contents of the log file is no different than what I sent earilier.

No, it won't be if FS is crashing -- obviously when FS crashes, FSUIPC gets stopped and can log no more.

So, the questions now are: does it get further when FSUIPC is not in the Modules folder, and is this otherwise a pure FS2000 installation, or have you added anything else, other than FSUIPC?

I might have to see if I can borrow a copy of FS2000 to check it here, buyt lets see if I can sort it without first.



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I removed FSUIPC completely from the modules directory, and FS2000 seem to work fine. I didn't fly for very long, but all indications are that there is no problm without it. I also used an addon aircraft, panel and sound. I determined thatFS2000 works very well with FSUIPC 3.75. Hope this helps.



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I removed FSUIPC completely from the modules directory, and FS2000 seem to work fine. I didn't fly for very long, but all indications are that there is no problm without it. I also used an addon aircraft, panel and sound. I determined thatFS2000 works very well with FSUIPC 3.75. Hope this helps.

No, not really, as the changes since 3.75 have been enormous.

If you are happy enough with 3.75 and don't need any more support from me, then I suggest you stick to it until you bring your flight simming up to date. i was actually surprised you are actually using Windows XP, which is far more recent than FS2000, showing that you aren't totally averse to getting relatively up to date! ;-)

If you really do need a later version of FSUIPC the only way may be for me to somehow find a second-hand copy of FS2000, or maybe send you a test version with some debug code included so you can do the testing there.

It is a shame this problem wasn't discovered a few weeks ago -- it was only last month that i had a good clearout and got rid of everything before FS2004! I originally kept all that stuff for nostalgic reasons, but I decided I needed to actually move about my office a bit more! ;-)


I just found my FS2000 disks! I hadn't actually discarded them -- only all of the add-ons (I had just about every add-on scenery you could get for FS2000!).

So, I'll look at your problem later today.



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So, I'll look at your problem later today.

Okay. The problem you have appears to be fixed in version 3.918, already available from the Updates announcement above. I think there was a little fix for FS2002 which also fixed FS2000, a few increments ago.

However, I have found another problem in FS2000 which may cause it to crash when you enter the FSUIPC options. I'm fixing that now -- please download 3.919 later today.



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Thank a lot for your time and support. I'll download the later version today. I just want to mention that I keep thinks not onle for sentimental reasons, but that I also like some of the things that I have on FS2000 andI still like to use. I have and use not only FS2000, but FS2002, FS2004 and FSX. They all have their good qualities which as a frustrated pilot ( real ) I still like using and find challenging. Thanks again -- and I'm glad you were able to resolve the issue.



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