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FSUIPC 4.52 - Mixture lever position doesn't work on x64

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Hi there,

I am writting a throttle quadrant software in .net 2.0/C#. All but the following functions don't work with FSUIPC and FSX on 64-bit platform whether it is VISTA or XP but works fine on 32-bit platforms:

- Mixture lever position offsets that I am using don't work on 64-bit platform (3AF0, 3A30).

They are mapped in my application to a double which is under CLR 64-bit floating point which is what it should be according to the FSUIPC SDK.

So what happens when you set these offsets: In FSUIPC interogate the values change correctly but FSX just ignores them, absolutely nothing happens in the simulator - it's like FSX is ignoring the changed values.

I need further assistance.



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I am writting a throttle quadrant software in .net 2.0/C#. All but the following functions don't work with FSUIPC and FSX on 64-bit platform whether it is VISTA or XP but works fine on 32-bit platforms:

- Mixture lever position offsets that I am using don't work on 64-bit platform (3AF0, 3A30).

They are mapped in my application to a double which is under CLR 64-bit floating point which is what it should be according to the FSUIPC SDK.

So what happens when you set these offsets: In FSUIPC interogate the values change correctly but FSX just ignores them, absolutely nothing happens in the simulator - it's like FSX is ignoring the changed values.

FSUIPC4 and FSX are both 32-bit programs. There's absolutely no difference is what they do between the 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. There can't be.

Does the mixture control operate correctly using standard FSX controls? Obviously you must have installed FSX on the 64-bit system as you cannot simply use a 32-bit installation on a different operating system without installing. Therefore the main difference is not going to be your code or my code or FSX code, but surely something not right in the installation.

Incidentally, I find it a little odd that you'd choose those FLOAT64 offsets rather than the more traditional simple 16-bit integers at 0890 and 0928. Perhaps your program is completely floating point oriented?

Anyway, try this: monitor offsets 3AF0 and 3A30 on FSUIPC's Logging page, right-hand side, as FLT64. Select normal log. The FSUIPC log will show the SimConnect actions as well as the offset changes. In FSX windowed mode you could show the log in real time in its own window (select the console on the left hand side). Operate the mixture via a variety of methods, keyboard, normal joystick assignment, even a Lua plug-in, and compare them to what you are doing. You should be able to work out what is going on.

I know everything is okay in this area on 64-bit platforms. I am running a Piper Arrow cockpit on Win7 64-bit (previously Vista 64) with no problems at all, though I must admit my little driver for that uses the 0890 offset. Checking my code, however, shows that both 0890 and 3AF0 operate the same SimConnect variable.

Oh, also please change to version 4.525 (see Updates announcement). When investigating things it is always best to use the latest version - and you'll be using the same as me, then.



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Hi Peter,

Thanks for the lightning fast response. I will try to keep this response short.

Yes, I agree with your statement: "FSUIPC4 and FSX are both 32-bit programs. There's absolutely no difference is what they do between the 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. There can't be." I thought exactly like you have stated but wanted to verify that FSUIPC is 32-bit.

After performing suggested logging in conclusion there's nothing wrong with my software, FSUIPC, nor FSX. The data is written correctly via SimConnect and the SimConnect version is the same across both installations.

So what gives? I am not sureonly thing that I can think of is this: The 64-bit installations had REX installed which uses older SimConnect. I actually had to install older version of SimConnect since I never applied SP1 since I updated my sim with FSX: Acceleration which has SP2 on and apparently it never installs the older version of SimConnect since I was getting errors running REX.

Instead of trying to continue the investigation and uninstall the mega lengthy installation of REX I chose the easier route and used the 16-bit offsets (which I totally was not aware they existed and that's why I did not use them). Using the 16-bit offsets works like a charm across the board.

Thanks for your help.


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Instead of trying to continue the investigation and uninstall the mega lengthy installation of REX I chose the easier route and used the 16-bit offsets (which I totally was not aware they existed and that's why I did not use them). Using the 16-bit offsets works like a charm across the board.

Okay. That's good. Strange puzzle nevertheless.



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