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Win7 64bit + FSX - throttles problem

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Hi everybody,

Nowdays I have upgradet my PC to Windows 7 64bit RTM. I'm using FSX wit FSUIPC (registered version) and Saitek Yoke with Throttle quadrant. Everithing seems OK but when I arm A/T on 737PIC, the plain goes to full throtle and thenoverspeedet. Moreover, when I configure some buttons for "revers throttle" via FSUIPC (with the command "throddle down" + repeat), when i push this buton, all throttles goes first to full power and then back to 0 and to revers. It's look like that every comand send to FS via UIPC for throttle down, execute first throttle 100% and then back and logicaly with this behaviours A/T does not work correctly. In my previously OS (Vista SP1) everithing was OK.

Any ideas will be apprisiated.

Thak's in advance


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Nowdays I have upgradet my PC to Windows 7 64bit RTM -- In my previously OS (Vista SP1) everithing was OK.

There's absolutely no difference whatsoever in how FSUIPC works in Win7, 32- or 64-bit versions, to how it worked in Vista or XP, 32- or 64-bit. I don't know what is happening on your system, but it is unlikely it is anything do with your change in operating system -- unless, that is, the Saitek drivers are wrong or your installation is buggy.

Are you sure you aren't experiencing that spurious button problem a lot of Saitek users have complained about, and for which I added the transient button suppression option? Why not use FSUIPC logging, log Buttons/Keys and Events and see what button presses are occurring and Events caused?



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