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noobish FPUIC Questions...

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Hi Pete,

Below is a copy of my log, that I received when I tried to install FSUIPC4. I am not sure that this is my problem at al but it seems to be a reason perhaps that my TrackIR 4 isnt connecting to FSX anymore.

It was working fine, and then ended up having to reinstall a fresh version of FSX as I too many miscellaneous files all over the place. Can you tell me what is going on here? FSX works, just not with my trackIR I have posts overat their website too......

Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.53

Looking in registry for FSX install path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0


... >>> OK! FOUND FSX! <<< ...

Looking in registry for ESP install path:



Not there, so looking in:



... NOT found! ...



AppPath="F:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

Checking version of FSX.EXE:

... Version 10.0.61472.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)

Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Probe Manifest fails to match a valid SimConnect needed to use FSUIPC4!


*************** End of Install Log ***************

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Below is a copy of my log, that I received when I tried to install FSUIPC4. I am not sure that this is my problem at al but it seems to be a reason perhaps that my TrackIR 4 isnt connecting to FSX anymore.

It was working fine, and then ended up having to reinstall a fresh version of FSX as I too many miscellaneous files all over the place.

Let me get this straight: everything was okay before you reinstalled FSX? Did you try uninstalling it first. Can you describe exactly what you did?


Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Probe Manifest fails to match a valid SimConnect needed to use FSUIPC4!

indicates that your FSX installation is broken. The side-by-side libraries providing the SimConnect interface are somehow disconnected.

Are you running just the basic FSX, or FSX + SP1, or FSX + SP1 + SP2, or FSX + Acceleration? In each case, when installing, you should run FSX between each stage of the update so that the next update stage finds all the right files in the right places.

Depending on what version of FSX you are dealing with, you really need to repair the SimConnect part of the installation. This may be more easily done by uninstalling FSX, then deleting the SimConnect WniSxS folders (see the FSX Help announcement above for help in finding these) and re-installing everything properly.

Almost all the SimConnect problems folks get into seem to arise from attempts at re-installing things. It seems to always create more problems than it solves, unfortunately.



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Hi Pete,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

I had attempted an uninstall using the game using the removal tool.....incidentally I store the game on my F drive.

I removed all add ons, etc....

I had both SP1 and 2 installed, but presume that they are removed during complete uninstall.

I again uninstalled last nite, (same method) went fishing for any folders related to MS Games on my f drive and lo and behold there was one relating to SP2 cache......

I manually chucked it into the recycle bin......then I went looking for sxs folders pertaining to MS games.....there are two.....one contains a .dll file 10.0.60905.0

the other 10.0.61637.0

( I ask...what good is a removal tool if it is not going to remove all things related to the product you are asking it to remove?)

Generally speaking I run FSX + SP1 + SP2........

I am not sure at this point if I should delete both......or do a registry check and wipe anything related to fsx......

Your time and help is appreciated and I will check back for a response prior to reloading.......

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I had attempted an uninstall using the game using the removal tool.....incidentally I store the game on my F drive.

I removed all add ons, etc....

I had both SP1 and 2 installed, but presume that they are removed during complete uninstall.

Not sure about that. I think you uninstall SP2 which exposes SP1, then that, then FSX itself. But I'm only going by reports. I've never uninstalled FSX myself, and judging by all the problems that follow I am not inclined to ever do so.

I know one thing for certain -- the uninstall does NOT uninstall SimConnect, which gets lodged into Windows' "side-by-side" (SxS) library system -- all the uninstall seems to do is break the links to it. When you then attempt to reinstall FSX, the installer thinks that SimConnect is installed (as it sees the WinSxS files) and doesn't re-install them, so the links stay broken.

I went looking for sxs folders pertaining to MS games.....there are two.....one contains a .dll file 10.0.60905.0

the other 10.0.61637.0

Those are the version numbers of the DLLs inside which correspond to the FSX.EXE version in the respective release. You are missing 61355 which is the SP1 version. The folder names contain the SimConnect revision levels which are 10.0.60905.0 for Base, 10.0.61242.0 for SP1 and 10.0.61259.0 for SP2/Acceleration.

( I ask...what good is a removal tool if it is not going to remove all things related to the product you are asking it to remove?)

Not much use at all. I've complained about this right since the Beta days of FSX and it was never fixed -- it sort of fell between the FSX team and the Windows development teams in responsibilities and was never resolved.

I am not sure at this point if I should delete both......or do a registry check and wipe anything related to fsx......

That is almost impossible. The SxS thing is insidious. You are more likely to make things worse. Just delete the two folders (not just the contents, you must delete the folders), then re-install FSX, then SP1, then SP2. There's probably no need to uninstall again first.



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