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Thrust Reverse, Prop Feather and Mixture Idle-Cutoff

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FS9, joystick disabled,CM disabled I think.registered FSUIPC, Version 3.90, Windows Version 5.1 SP 2

Throttles 10% to 100% unable to set to 0% let alone Feather or Reverse.

Fuel mix cut/50%......100%

just a little more help


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FS9, joystick disabled,CM disabled I think.registered FSUIPC, Version 3.90, Windows Version 5.1 SP 2

Throttles 10% to 100% unable to set to 0% let alone Feather or Reverse.

Fuel mix cut/50%......100%

1. Update to 3.93 as 3.90 is no longer supported.

2. Sorry, no idea what CM is.

3. If you have problems calibrating in Windows, try doing FSUIPC calibration. If you properly follow the instructions in the User Guide you'll be fine.


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CM = CH cfg software.

I thought I did up date. OK going to download now.

All the CH levers cfg are ok as far as it goes , I just don't seem to understand the procedure

to adjust to zero% and then reverse / feather.

I'm not sure if I set the Delta correctly, do you set it first then select the axis.

Do you set the Delta from the furthermost the lever can be pulled back ?

In the simulator the Fuel Mixture lever does pulldown to the furthermost, when I raze to indent it jumps to 50%

In any case thank you for time and excellent utility

Gerry Reid

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All the CH levers cfg are ok as far as it goes , I just don't seem to understand the procedure

to adjust to zero% and then reverse / feather.

Can you tell me which steps, exactly, in the step-by-step procedures provided, that you don't understand? It seems a little pointless merely reprinting them here.

I'm not sure if I set the Delta correctly, do you set it first then select the axis.

Why do you want to change the Delta? The default value set for you is normally fine. Do you have lots of horrible jitter on your axes? If so you should really first try getting the hardware fixed, or using a better USB connection. You can experiment with things like Delta if you like, but I don't see any point in doing so BEFORE you've calibrated correctly because you really cannot yet see whether you need to nor if you are making things better or worse.

Do you set the Delta from the furthermost the lever can be pulled back ?

The Delta is nothing to do with specific positions on the axis, is is merely the sensitivity to change, wherever.

In the simulator the Fuel Mixture lever does pulldown to the furthermost, when I raze to indent it jumps to 50%

You are calibrating for a conditioning lever, then, not a normal fuel mixture which has no detente, no centre? If there's no "detente" in the Sim, don't calibrate in FSUIPC with a "centre" detente -- use the no centre option. If there is a detente in the Sim, then calibrate to it using the centre calibration facility in FSUIPC.

You need to match your axis to what FS expects. That is why FS calibration is so versatile and why it can be as specific as you need to your particular choices of aircraft.



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Thank you Mr. Dowson:

I have updated FSUIPC :D

I now understand how and when to use the Delta setting. :idea:

I will go over all the info and re_read FSUIPC User Guide.

I have saved this post and unsubscribed.

Sometimes my comprehension is not what it should be. :oops:

Thank you again :D

Gerry Reid

Denver Colorado

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