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Spoiler switch setup HELP

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I want to use a rotary switch to control spoilers.

The Down, Arm(with its limitations), and Up positions are straightforward.

I wish to have at least one intermediate, or flight detent setting available.

I can see that there is either a Axis Spoiler Set, or Spoilers Set offset that I could use, but I am unable to work out what value to put as a Parameter.

The flight detent position for the stock FSX B737-800 appears to be 11451 (FSUIPC log).

What parameter would I use for this position?


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I can see that there is either a Axis Spoiler Set, or Spoilers Set offset that I could use

Those are controls, not offsets.

... but I am unable to work out what value to put as a Parameter.

The maximum percentage of spoiler allowed for speed brake use in flight will vary somewhat from one aircraft to another, but around 60%-75% would be the sort of zone. The parameter can be computed as the correct percentage of 16383, the maximum.

The flight detent position for the stock FSX B737-800 appears to be 11451 (FSUIPC log).

Right, so you know it then. 11451 is almost 70%, so I presume they meant it to be 70%.

What parameter would I use for this position?

11451, as you just said.



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If I use the Axis Spoiler Set control with the parameter 11451, it shows up on the log that the button has changed, but it has not triggered an event!

You have Button AND Axis Event logging enabled? It certainly isn't assigned then. Show me the Buttons section of your FSUIPC INI file and the LOG. You can paste the relevant sections here, into a message.

Maybe you are only logging normal events, not Axis events? These aren't normally logged because, with your aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle, changing so frequently, the log gets huge quickly. It's a separate option.


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All logging details are selected.

Below are excerts from the log, and ini files

1259641 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=0, Pressed

1259641 [buttons] 62=P2,0,C66065,0

1259641 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66065, Param=0

1259641 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=1, Released

1259641 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66065 (0x00010211), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SPOILERS_OFF

1264984 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=0, Released

1265172 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=1, Pressed

1265172 [buttons] 64=P2,1,C66066,0

1265172 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66066, Param=0

1265172 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66066 (0x00010212), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SPOILERS_ARM_ON

1268219 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=1, Released

1268297 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=2, Pressed

1268297 [buttons] 63=P2,2,C66382,11451

1268297 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66382, Param=11451

1275375 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=2, Released

1275375 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=3, Pressed

1275375 [buttons] 67=P2,3,C66064,0

1275375 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66064, Param=0

1275375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66064 (0x00010210), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SPOILERS_ON

62=P2,0,C66065,0 [spoilers Off]

63=P2,2,C66382,11451 [Axis Spoiler Set]

64=P2,1,C66066,0 [spoilers Arm - On]

67=P2,3,C66064,0 [spoilers On]

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All logging details are selected.

Ok, but I'd rather see the section of log at least including the "Logoptions" line, which shows what log options you've selected.

Anyway, this shows the control being sent to FS.

1268297 [buttons] 63=P2,2,C66382,11451

1268297 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66382, Param=11451

I've checked this here, and I think you are mistaken about 11451 being correct.

I did some experiments here with the default 738, whilst in the air (never test spoilers on the ground -- they behave differently). This is what I get Logged with Buttons, Events and Axis logging enabled (the "7" at the top of the LogOptions indicates these options):

557859 LogOptions changed, now 70000000 00000001


562640 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=0, Pressed

562640 [buttons] 1=P0,0,C66382,11451

562640 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66382 (0x0001034e), Param= 11451 (0x00002cbb) AXIS_SPOILER_SET

562640 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66382, Param=11451

However, the spoilers don't move. I moved them with the mouse, with the logging enabled, to the Flt detente and got this:


859828 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 7413 (0x00001cf5) SPOILERS_SET

859828 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 7528 (0x00001d68) SPOILERS_SET

859859 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 7643 (0x00001ddb) SPOILERS_SET

859859 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 7758 (0x00001e4e) SPOILERS_SET

859953 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 7873 (0x00001ec1) SPOILERS_SET

859969 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 7873 (0x00001ec1) SPOILERS_SET

860000 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 7988 (0x00001f34) SPOILERS_SET

860000 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 8103 (0x00001fa7) SPOILERS_SET

860031 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 8218 (0x0000201a) SPOILERS_SET

860047 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 8218 (0x0000201a) SPOILERS_SET

860062 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 8218 (0x0000201a) SPOILERS_SET

So, I altered my parameter to 8218, tested it, and voila! It sets the Flight detente!

923672 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=0, Pressed

923672 [buttons] 1=P0,0,C66382,8218

923672 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66382 (0x0001034e), Param= 8218 (0x0000201a) AXIS_SPOILER_SET

923672 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66382, Param=8218

923828 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=0, Released

So, where did you get your 11451 from? And how is it you get so much less logging than I for, as you say, the same Log options selected?



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  • 4 years later...

Hi friends,


I want to assign trim lever in PMDG 777 to HAT2 UP and DOWN positions on my Saitek X52 yoke. I have problem with it…


Assignments in FS options trim up/down as U/D letters on keyboard (in my case) doesn’t work… When i press these letters, trim lever doesn’t move.


I think it will be possibile with FSUIPC, but I also use SST software and in case activate a profile in SST, assignments in FSUIPC are impossible.

My first thought was resignation SST and all assignments make in FSUIPC, but I read on forums that FSUIPC doesn’t recognize MODEs 1, 2, 3 (I have a lot of assignments in SST [also uses PINKIE SWITCH]; for example in MODE 1 - all functions related autopilot, gear, flaps, EZCA views; in MODE 2 – all lighting system)

What can I do in this case? How to make assignment trim lever 777 with no SST resignation?


...and I have another issue – assignment spoilers in NGX and 777 (both PMDG).

I would like to make assignment that spoiler lever move responsive with rotary switch. I know it is possible in FSUIPC but – as I wrote earlier – FSUIPC and SST don’t like each other.


So, do you think in both above cases, the only resolving method will be assignments in FSUIPC (and SST resignation)?


(sorry for my English :/ )


Best regards, Lucas

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I want to assign trim lever in PMDG 777 to HAT2 UP and DOWN positions on my Saitek X52 yoke. I have problem with it…Assignments in FS options trim up/down as U/D letters on keyboard (in my case) doesn’t work… When i press these letters, trim lever doesn’t move.


Sorry, I don't understand. Are you assigning U and D letters on the keyboard, not the Trim Up and Trim Down FS functions? You talk about three things -- Hat, keyboard and FS trim up/down functions. How do the three work together? I don't know what you are trying to say.


Have you even checked that the PMDG 777 operates its trim using default FS trim controls? Test your assignments on a default aircraft, not such an advanced one which may be doing its own thing completely separately.


What can I do in this case? How to make assignment trim lever 777 with no SST resignation?


Sorry, I don't have the 777 and don't know how to program it. Does it come with any documentation at all? Have you checked PMDG support?


... and I have another issue – assignment spoilers in NGX and 777 (both PMDG).

I would like to make assignment that spoiler lever move responsive with rotary switch. I know it is possible in FSUIPC but – as I wrote earlier – FSUIPC and SST don’t like each other.



Both those aircraft are unique to themseves. Sorry, I can't advise. And I don't know this "SST" at all I'm afraid.


If you know how to make things work in those PMDG aircraft, by keypress or by custom control, or even possibly (but less likely) by mouse macro, then, yes, you can probably do those things via FSUIPC. But I can't say definitely one way or the other because I don't have those aircraft, and I don't know what SST is. Sorry.


BTW have you checked through the User Contributions subforum? There mifght be some solutions there. Also check out Linda, which I think is supposed to make a lot of this stuff easier.




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