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FSUIPC4 Updated Dll issue

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Hi Pete

This is the first time I have ever posted on your forum, as over the years I have yet to have any major problem with FSUIPC,

but as I have not seen anybody else that has reported this issue, it may well be something on my end that is the cause,

and so I thought that I would ask for any pointers to a possible cause of the problem, which is that after downloading and

installing the latest interim update for FSUIPC4 which is the V4.5.3.3 issue, I have lost the FSUIPC entry in the addon menu,

but replacing the dll with the V4.5.3.0 version brings back the menu entry, so I was wondering is it just my system that is

experiencing this.

For the record my Operating System is Vista 64bit, with UAC turned off and full admin rights, and the original and later full installers

for FSUIPC report no errors and FSUIPC operates as usual, and also for the record, thanks for FSUIPC as it is probably the most usfull

addition that I have ever purchased for all versions of FS, it certainly gets the most use.

Jim Hodkinson


I have just seen the other posting with the same issue, I guess i will have to learn to type faster.

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