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I am a 4 year use of FS in a limited way (ie difficult approaches and the like) and am used to 2D gauge displays which are easy to use on a separate screen. I am now the proud owner of a new and very powerful system with triple screens etc etc and am loving it but miss my easy to read gauges. My present system uses Vista 64 bit Premium and a high end card. the old one a single 3 mghz chip clocked to 3.3 which worked well for a 17" screen using Window XP home.

I am told that I can network the old and the new computers and run Project Magenta which will give me the gauges on their own screen (2D or 3D as the separate windows available when using the high end system with virtual cockpit. My aim is to achieve the 3 screen virtual cockpit I have now plus a moving map and flight plan on the fourth screen ( 2nd outlet of the main system card) and the second system networked to give me high def. gauges for easy navigation plus ? ( will it run a further screen from the second card outlet number two?

What do I need from Project Magenta to do this ?

Is it best to use Wide FS and the original FSX prog running on the main computer? Are the gauges 2D/3D and in fact is my understanding oof "P.M" that it will do the above.

All help greatly appreciated and the simpler the better.



I am told that I can network the old and the new computers and run Project Magenta which will give me the gauges on their own screen (2D or 3D as the separate windows available when using the high end system with virtual cockpit.

Project Magenta is really a cockpit system in its own right, and effectively replaces all of the cockpit parts in FS. If you only want networkable instrumentation for default FS aircraft (or aircraft using only default instrumentation, or instruments only using default data) you'd probably be best off looking at other packages which do such things. But note that there is no way to take gauges from sophisticated add-on aircraft like those from PMDG and so on and move them onto a separate computer.

The best place to ask these questions is over in the MyCockpit forums http://www.mycockpit.org/forums. There are cockpit builders sections, and a selection dedicated to PM






I am following a path of using Peix aviation panels and Flight Commander for maps. I have purchase Wide FS& but have spent two hours trying to register it. I run FSX and FSUIPC and click register but it tells me to use the installer. I cannot find this in the FSUIPC folder ( or anything which will allow registration)

Can you assist me please ?

Thank you




I apologise and have registered it.

However for idiots like me the words "Download FSUIPC again and use the installer which will give the option of various registration types" would be very useful as I was looking in the existing downloaded files.

I know it sounds pedantic but when you are a novice you need all the help you can get.




However for idiots like me the words "Download FSUIPC again and use the installer which will give the option of various registration types" would be very useful as I was looking in the existing downloaded files.

Sorry, where would those words be placed, and why would you need to download FSUIPC again when you already have it? The Installer is called the installer and the download doesn't include FSUIPC in any other form.



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