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Hello (part 2),

yes I have many questions these days ;-)

But I think its ok to open different threads for different themes?

My new best friend LUA programming let me made a little file that allowes me to acces the FSUIPC menu with one button klick of my joy.

ipc.keypressplus(18,1,4)	-- ALT and focus to FS

ipc.keypressplus(65)			-- A for Addons
ipc.keypressplus(70)			-- F for FSUIPC

ipc.keypressplus(9, 2)
ipc.keypressplus(9, 2)
ipc.keypressplus(9, 2)
ipc.keypressplus(9, 2)
ipc.keypressplus(9, 2)
ipc.keypressplus(9, 2) 	-- Buttons and switches tab
ipc.keypressplus(9, 2)	-- Key presses tab

I have then directly the "key presses" tab opened.

Now I'd like to make an other file that let me open the FSUIPC menu, klick the "reload buttons" and "reload keys" and close the menu.

Because I often use this when editing macros and so on...

Problem is now, that I can't get to the "reload" buttons in the menu...

Do you have a solution?

Or is there an other ppossibility to "reload"?

thanks as always!!!


p.s. I have now some very useful files... macros, LUAs, etc...

What do you think about some kind of macro and LUA collection? separated fo the different addons or functions?

Would be very cool, if everybody knows that he could find here some FSUIPC tricks at one point for some addons...

All the files where a lot of work and I really like to share them for as much people as possible...

I don't know if you'd like to make a separate thread or you add them by yourself in a sticky or whatever.... if you want to...


But I think its ok to open different threads for different themes?

Yes, it is better.

Problem is now, that I can't get to the "reload" buttons in the menu...

Do you have a solution?

Hmm. I must have forgotten to put the TAB property on that button. There are lots of examples like that I expect. As the dialogues have grown more complex i have become lazy.

Not only that, but really the TAB order on each dialogue should be logical -- e.g. start top left and work to bottom right. But that is very messy to achieve, reordering everything.

If you like I can check through the dialogues and make sure every button and field hand dropdown has a TAB property. But i cannot guarantee that they'll operate in any logical order.

What do you think about some kind of macro and LUA collection? separated fo the different addons or functions?

when I first posted the Lua announcement above i did suggest that some sort of library could be built up. Maybe I can start a new "Goodies" Announcement with download links to ZIPs containing such things, providing each has some sort of rudimentarty text file explaining the contents.

I don't know if you'd like to make a separate thread or you add them by yourself in a sticky or whatever.... if you want to...

I think it best, when ready, to email me the finished ZIPs and i'll upload them to the server with links in an ongoing Announcement, like the Goodies ones. "Contributed macros and plug-ins for Add-Ons" or similar. My email address is petedowson@btconnect.com. But post a note here first, please.

Oh, I wouldn't want a huge support load as a result, so I'd very much appreciate your email address or some other way for questions to go direct, if that's okay. If not, then the ZIP must have an "unsupported, at your own risk" type of warning. ;-)

Thanks for all your efforts, by the way. I am working on more Lua improvements now I know there's some interest. It stood apparently quietly unused for some time after I first released it last year.



If you like I can check through the dialogues and make sure every button and field hand dropdown has a TAB property. But i cannot guarantee that they'll operate in any logical order.

No you don't need to.

I just wondered if theres an error or what I do wrong.

It needs just half a second to klick at "reload" now that I have my FSUIPC_menu.Lua ;-)

If it is possible to add a own command into FSUIPC would be good, but it is really not important!

For the library:

would be great if we could build up sth like that.

I will collect them and send it to you the next days...

I note it first

Problem is now, that I can't get to the "reload" buttons in the menu...

Do you have a solution?

Hmm. I must have forgotten to put the TAB property on that button. There are lots of examples like that I expect. As the dialogues have grown more complex i have become lazy.

I have now looked at this, and there is a "TAB" property on all of the Reload buttons. To get to the button you would have to send a number of tabs. Count them by doing it manually.

For the "buttons" dialogue in FSX I count 4 tabs to get to "Reload all buttons" from opening the page.

For the "keys" dialogue in FSX I count 13 tabs (phew!) to get to "Reload all keys" from opening the page.

As far as I can tell, ALL buttons in ALL pages can be reached by TABs.



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