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I have a problem when i install the FSUIPC4 for FSX. "signature problem" i can't use the mcp combo panel without this program. i've read that a lot of people have the same problem as me... and wee didn't find a solution.

It's a very expensive module and I really want to use it so give me a solution please...;-)

ps: My computer works with windows vista (I've checked all the authorizations and they're ok)

Thank you

best regards


I have a problem when i install the FSUIPC4 for FSX. "signature problem" i can't use the mcp combo panel without this program. i've read that a lot of people have the same problem as me

where did yiu read that? not here, for sure. It is very rare indeed!

Show me the Install log. That is why it is produced. It will be in the FS Modules folder.



[*]Hello Pete ;-)

Tanks for your fast replay !

i found a solution for this problem ;-) yeees!

(after instalation, signature problem..cancel..) go to fsx folder -> modules and right clik on Fsuipc4.DLL and select "security" -> instal the certificate in "approuved certificate folder" and retry the instalation of FSUIPc4. all it's okay !!!

Thanks for all Pete

Best regards ;-)

ps : (sorry for my english..)


(after instalation, signature problem..cancel..) go to fsx folder -> modules and right clik on Fsuipc4.DLL and select "security" -> instal the certificate in "approuved certificate folder" and retry the instalation of FSUIPc4. all it's okay !!!

Well, I'm glad for you -- but what version of FSUIPC4 is this with? Anything before 4.50 has an expired certificate in my name (Peter L. Dowson), and shouldn't be used. Since 4.50 the certificate has been in the name of my publisher, simFlight (because the certificate issuers now won't issue or renew private certificates, only company ones).

The current FSUIPC4 version is 4.53 -- nothing earlier is supported. If you are using that, then it sounds as at some stage you replied "No" to a Windows prompt, asking you for permission to install something with the simFlight certificate attached!




what version of FSUIPC4 is this with?

you replied "No" to a Windows prompt, asking you for permission to install something with the simFlight certificate attached!

I have download the current version of FSUIPC 4.53 for FSX, during the installation, he asks me for an approval which and I accept this !

I am great happy that it works :D , if other persons have the same problem as me, to try what I made... :wink:

tanks Pete,

Best regards


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