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AI Ground Traffic & IVAO

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Hi all,

I am a french (sorry for my bad english) registred user of fsuipc & widefs for FS9.1

When i flght on IVAO, i see ground traffic on my fs Session, all is OK, but on a second network PC, i can't see Ground Traffic with FScommander 8.5, i just see Airbone Traffic. i try with TrafficLook and the result is the same, i just only see AirboneTraffic.

I reinstall a fresh FS9.1 with Ivap and fsuipc 3.93 on my flightPC, and again, when i run FS9.1 and i check with trafficlook on the same PC, i can see Ground & airbone traffic, but when i connect to IVAO, i lost in the Trafficllok windows the ground Traffic, i just can see the airbone traffic.

Have you got the same problem ?


Best Regards and Happy flights


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When i flght on IVAO, i see ground traffic on my fs Session, all is OK, but on a second network PC, i can't see Ground Traffic with FScommander 8.5, i just see Airbone Traffic. i try with TrafficLook and the result is the same, i just only see AirboneTraffic.

That is correct. The multiplayer traffic is injected only for airborne traffic in order to drive TCAS displays. You do not want ground aircraft on TCAS displays. There's no facility to have them in the ground traffic tables. Even if such a facility were requested now, and i added the capability to FSUIPC, it would need changes in the on-line flight software (IVAP, FSInn, SB3, SB4, AIbridge) to put them in. I don't think they'd want to do this.



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