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The new version hasn't worked.

A VS of 1800 becomes

no D setting = 18

D-40 = 18

D40 = 18

D50 = 018

D60 = 0018

I have t0 multiply the value by 100 now to get 1800.



The new version hasn't worked.

Right. So it loses another digit. So maybe I should reduce the size to 5 instead of 6 rather than increase it to 7.

I really don't understand what they've done, at all.

Try 1.244, where I've reduced the length instead of increasing it.





Hi Pete,

You've cracked it - works a treat! Many thanks for doing this :D

This is the config file I used which is based on the MCP section included with GFDisplay. You may want to include it in the update.


Needs=V16 B E A

B=10 ; No too bright?

D0.1=C5 XC4E U16 D30 ;NAV1 CRS as nnn

D0.2=!C5 "360"

D1.1=C0 C48 "" ; PM blank Spd

D1.2=C0 !C48 C1 X4E8 U16 /100 D02 ; PM's Mach as (n).nn

D1.3=C0 !C48 !C1 X4E0 U16 D30 ; PM's IAS as nnn

D1.4=!C0 C46 X7E8 U32 /65536 D02 ; FS's Mach as (n).nn

D1.5=!C0 !C46 X7E2 U16 D30 ; FS's IAS as nnn

D2.1=C0 C6 X4E2 U16 D30 ; PM's HDG as nnn

D2.2=C0 !C6 "360"

D2.3=!C0 C7 X7CC U16 *360 /65536 D30 ;FS's HDG as nnn

D2.4=!C0 !C7 "360"

D3.1=C0 X4E4 S16 *100 D-50 ; PMs Alt as (-)nnnnn

D3.2=!C0 X7D4 S32 *3.28084 /65536 D50 ; FSs Alt

D4.1=C0 C47 "" ; PM blank VS

D4.2=C0 !C47 X4E6 S16 *100 D-40 ; PM's V/S as (-)nnnn

D4.3=!C0 X7F2 S16 D-40; FS's V/S as (-)nnnn

D5.1=C5 XC4E U16 D30 ;NAV1 CRS as nnn

D5.2=!C5 "360"

L2.1=C0 X4F0 U16 M0001 ; PMs AP Master 1

L2.2=!C0 X7BC U32 ; FS's ap eng CMD A

L3.1=C0 X4F0 U16 M0001 ; PMs AP Master 1

L3.2=!C0 X7BC U32 ; FS's ap eng CMD B

L4.1=!C0 X810 U32 ; FS's Auto Throttle Active

L7.1=C0 X4F0 U16 M0020 ; PMs LOC -> NAV light

L7.2=!C0 C8 X7C4 U32 ; FS's NAV acquired

L7.3=!C0 !C8 X7C4 U32 Fslow ; FS's NAV (flash)

L14.1=!C0 X2EE0 U32 ; FS's Flight Director Active

L16.1=C0 X4F0 U16 M0200 ; PMs Speed

L16.2=!C0 !C2 X7DC U32 ; FS's IAS -> SPD

L16.3=!C0 X7E4 U32 ; FS's Mach -> SPD

L18.1=C0 X4F0 U16 M0080 ; PMs HDG

L18.2=!C0 X7C8 U32 ; FS's HDG

L19.1=C0 X4F0 U16 M0010 ; PMs APP

L19.2=!C0 C4 X800 U32 ; FS's APP LOCKED

L19.3=!C0 !C4 X800 U32 Fslow ; FS's APP Pending (flash)

L20.1=C0 X4F0 U16 M0008 ; PMs ALT

L20.2=!C0 X7D0 U32 ; FS's ALT

L23.1=!C0 X2EE0 U32 ; FS's Flight Director Active


You've cracked it - works a treat! Many thanks for doing this :D

Okay. Good. I'll tidy up and make a release then. It'll be version 1.30.

This is the config file I used which is based on the MCP section included with GFDisplay. You may want to include it in the update.

Thanks! I will!


I'll tidy up and make a release then. It'll be version 1.30.

Release 1.30 is available now, in the Updates above, and the documentation now includes your MCP Pro code as an Appendix.

I have also now completed code in FSUIPC for Lua access to GF displays and lights. This provides a "gfd" library ("Go Flight Displays") with the following functions:


gfd.SetBright("", unit, brightness)

gfd.BlankAll("", unit)

gfd.SetLights("", unit, setmask, clearmask)

gfd.SetLight("", unit, lightnumber)

gfd.ClearLight("", unit, lightnumber)

gfd.Setdisplay("", unit, displaynumber, "")

I might also add more direct ways of reading the switches to save having to work out the correct joystick/button numbers, but at present, since this is intended as a replacement for GFDisplay (at least when used on the same PC as FS) I'd like to get this properly tested with only displays handled.

Could you possibly help with that -- for the GF166 and the MCP Pro, at least? (Do you have any of the others?). I know it works ok with the Lights (I have RP48s, T8s and P8s), so it is only the "gfd.SetDisplay function I need testing. I can supply a Lua test module, just testing the displays with different weird values and patterns. I might also do a Lua version of the MCP and MCPPro examples from the GFDisplay package, to assist those unfamiliar with Lua programming.

If so, please state FS version and confirm you are using the GF devices concerned on the same PC as FS.

I'l have stuff ready pretty soon, depending on what you need. I am posting this separately as well in case others can help too.




Hi Pete,

More than happy to test things out for you. I have the MCP Pro, RP48's, GF-T8's, GF-LGT, GF166A's, GF-46, EFIS, SECM, GF-TPM, GF-ATC. Pretty much at least one of everything they do except for the MCP and the GF-LGT II.

Let me know what you need me to do.

Best wishes



More than happy to test things out for you. I have the MCP Pro, RP48's, GF-T8's, GF-LGT, GF166A's, GF-46, EFIS, SECM, GF-TPM, GF-ATC. Pretty much at least one of everything they do except for the MCP and the GF-LGT II.

Great! Thanks! What about the TQ6? The Lua facilities will be able to read the levers and buttons on that too.

Is a 166A different, operationally, to a 166? I don't have any different information for that.

They did send me an LGT2, and I've just found out that they forgot to export direct support for it to GFDev.DLL -- even the latest copy, July 2009, doesn't have it! I've written to them about that.

I also have the RP48, T8, P8, and EFIS. They all work fine except there's a problem with the EFIS in GFDev.dll -- I've written to them about that too. The two dials, top left/right, return +1 or -1 constantly once turned, even if you stop turning them, until you press or change something else. That means you can't use them with a polling loop (i.e. looping around reading them), as you can't tell when they aren't turning. As a result of this I'm adding a new Event function to the libraries so you can program it to respond to changes rather than being forced to poll.

Let me know what you need me to do.

I already have your email address, right? (You sent me the latest GFDev.dll). When it's ready, this week, I'll send a revised FSUIPC together with one or more Lua plug-in test programs for it. If I get time I'll also do some draft documentation and maybe a conversion of your MCPPro GFDisplay script into Lua.

I hope to get it all done this week, as then I'm away -- from Saturday 5th to Sunday 13th inclusive. So there'd be no rush for feedback. I'd talk to you again when I get back. I may get it all done by late tomorrow or Wednesday if nothing else serious crops up.

I still need to know which FSUIPC you need -- are you using FS2004 or FSX? And I assume you either have those GF units connected to the FS PC, or don't mind connecting them there for testing? (These facilities are only in FSUIPC at present. I've no short term plans to add Lua support to WideClient).

Thanks & Best Regards



Hi Pete,

I'm using FSX with Acceleration. The devices are all connected to one PC. I do use WideFS but not for any Goflight stuff.

I don't know about the difference between a 166 and 166A. I do have a TQ6, how could I have forgot that :lol:

I've just completed my LUA script using GFDisplay - it provides full autopilot support for PMDG J41. Before I offer it to the rest of the community, I'll modify it using your new facilities - it should provide a useful beta test.

Yes, you do have my email address.

Best wishes



I'm using FSX with Acceleration. The devices are all connected to one PC. I do use WideFS but not for any Goflight stuff.


I don't know about the difference between a 166 and 166A. I do have a TQ6, how could I have forgot that :lol:

Even better!

I've just completed my LUA script using GFDisplay - it provides full autopilot support for PMDG J41.

Sounds good, but that's not Lua (?).

I'll have something for you tomorrow.

Best Regards


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