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1=Lua pmdg747setview

in my ini

It's not working

Lua does a reset_view for my pmdg 747, that is pointing to low in panel view, and issues a 66147 VIEW_RESET or/and ctrl-space

filename is pmdg747setview.LUA containing:

-- reset view 66147 VIEW_RESET



when I (re)load the pmdg747, no View_reset is done


1=Lua pmdg747setview.lua

and - of course - the seperate lines




so what am I missing? thx mt


when I (re)load the pmdg747, no View_reset is done

A reload won't do it. For any of the aircraft-specific actions to occur, whether it be loading Keys, Buttons, Axes, Calibrations, or Auto macros and plug-ins, FSUIPC has to see a change of aircraft.

Additionally, because quite often an aircraft load takes a while, and FSUIPC might receive the notification before it is complete, you may need to consider putting a delay (ipc.sleep(...0) before any control which is supposed to affect the drawn cockpit rather than merely internal switch settings which are pretty much set early on.



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