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License for FS9 and FSX

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I apologize if this question was already answered elsewhere, I've tryied to search without success.

I want to buy a license for FSUIPC and WideFS for both FS9 and FSX (version 3 and 4).

Have I to buy 2 bundles (one for version 3 and one for version 4) or is it available some kind of bundle including both versions ?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,


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Have I to buy 2 bundles (one for version 3 and one for version 4) or is it available some kind of bundle including both versions ?

I don't know, but I don't think so. I don't deal with the sales side -- have you looked on the SimMarket pages? That's where I would need to look.

There was an "upgrade discount" applied if you purchased the FSX versions within so many months of the FS9 versions, so if that is still advertised you should first buy the FSUIPC3/WideFS6 bundle, then, when that's all done, buy the FSUIPC4/WideFS7 bundle with the discount.



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