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Can WideFS operate over the Internet?

WideClient just needs an IP address which will link it to WideServer, in FS. If you can implement such a link then yes, of course, though I've no idea what sort of frame rates you'll get. There's nothing in either end which checks whether the link is to a local PC or not -- in fact I wouldn't know how to implement such a check.You can change the Port number at both ends if necessary.




Subnet mask will indicate what part of the IP address is the network part (where binary 1s appear in the mask). If both local and remote IP addresses have the same network portion, they're on the same LAN.

Edit - it just occurred to me that since this is my first post on this forum, I should say thanks to you Pete for your work over many years, and for the advice and help you give to us poor non-coders in taming MSFS. Great work!

Subnet mask will indicate what part of the IP address is the network part (where binary 1s appear in the mask). If both local and remote IP addresses have the same network portion, they're on the same LAN.

Thanks. That would enable me to stop folks going outside the LAN -- assuming I wanted to, and also assuming I knew how to get hold of the sub-net mask! ;-)



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