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Happy new year everyone:)

I have purchased the fsuipc key,but I`m told that is not a valid key.....WHY?

I`ve tried to get my Jetpit up running for a couple of weeks now , and now my patience is getting low. :roll:

Is there anybody who could help me out here,please? :D

Maybe there is someone out there who have experienced the problem by installing VR Insight Jetpit?

I think that Vrinsight should have made the software DVD more easyier to install......but thats my oppinion :)


Support for VRInsight products can be accessed at the VRInsight forums which can be reached by going to VRInsight.com and clicking on the forum link at the top right of the page. You can also contact them directly via email to get support too.


As for your problem with FSUIPC make sure you copy the key exactly, the easiest way is to copy and paste it then you won't make any mistakes with the characters, also be absolutely certain you have your name and other details entered exactly the same as you did when you purchased FSUIPC at Sim-market's website.

Also make sure your PC system clock is reading the correct time and date, if the date is set to a date and time before you purchased FSUIPC then the key will not work.


I have purchased the fsuipc key,but I`m told that is not a valid key.....WHY?

It will be either because you purchased the wrong key -- one for FS9 when you have FSX, or vice versa, or because you are not following the instructions and entering everything (name, address, key) correctly.Use cut and paste if you cannot copy.




Thank you,Pete, for useful information.


You say that I may purchased the wrong key....how can I find out if that is so?

I hope not:)

About Name,Adress and Key?

Where can I find were I have written my name and adress in that way FSUIPC won`t ignore?

You say that I may purchased the wrong key....how can I find out if that is so? I hope not:)

Do you have a receipt, anything from simMarket which tells you what you paid for? FSUIPC3 is for FS9 and before, FSUIPC4 is for FSX and ESP.

If you hadn't for some reason used a false name when registering for the Forum, I could have checked for you. But there's no way I can identify you if you prefer to hide your identity here.

About Name,Adress and Key?

Where can I find were I have written my name and adress in that way FSUIPC won`t ignore?

If you cannot copy your name, address and key without making a mistake, use cut-and-paste to copy it over from your registration notification.




Aaaaahhhaaaa,no I`m sure.

I have the FSUIPC4.....:)I haven`t tried out to type my name and adress correct yet,but will do it later this evening.

If you want to check out what name and adress I used when I purchased the Fsuipc you can read my name and adress here........

Roar Midttun

Skrivarskrenten 7

9540 Talvik



I have the FSUIPC4.

Correct. So you are using FSX?

If you want to check out what name and adress I used when I purchased the Fsuipc you can read my name and adress here........

Roar Midttun

Correct. Enter it like that.

And the address you enter is your EMAIL address. I won't type it here, but be sure it is correct.

And the Key must be correct too. Take care to get the 1 correct (it is the number 1 not a letter I), and the O is a letter O not a number 0.

You cannot go wrong if you cut-and-paste. That is why I have always reconmmended it.




I have just installed the FSUIPC4 with....

All installer tasks completed okay!

Registration for FSUIPC4 was successful! (result code 00)

*************** End of Install Log ***************

Is there more things I should be aware of using the FSUIPC?

Now I hope my Jetpit soon will be functional with FSX on my computer.But there is still some reading in the manual to get it working.

Do you know of someone who have used it before?

Is there more things I should be aware of using the FSUIPC?

FSUIPC is a kit of tools. You use it for whatever you need to use it for. There's no general advice. Browse through the supplied manuals, maybe you will find them interesting, or boring, but select the facilities you want to use.

Now I hope my Jetpit soon will be functional with FSX on my computer.But there is still some reading in the manual to get it working.

Do you know of someone who have used it before?

No. I think you might be better off visiting the VRInsight forum and talking to folks there.




I know,Pete!

I have done that.I have sent them several of E-mail, but their tech-support are not the quickest in the world:)

but I`m sure I soon will be hearing from them.

Thanks anyway,Pete.

Have a nice day:=)

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