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Am I correct in saying that the maximum number of programmes that can be started within WideFS is 9?

I have migrated a lot of programmes to my new Quad core computer and, believe it or not, I am running 11 programmes (without any problems :D )

I would prefer WideFS to start them all (Runready =).

Would it it be a problem to increase the limit in a future release (if another release is forthcoming and of course, if it is worth your time).

Best wishes,



Am I correct in saying that the maximum number of programmes that can be started within WideFS is 9?

No, 27 altogether. 9 by "Run", 9 by "RunReady" and 9 by "RunKey".

I have migrated a lot of programmes to my new Quad core computer and, believe it or not, I am running 11 programmes (without any problems :D )

I would prefer WideFS to start them all (Runready =).

I'm sure you'll find some are just as happy starting earlier and waiting for FS to be "ready".

If not, consider making a batch file to run several with one "RunReady".



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