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Hi...I have a client with my programms fsmap actviesky and more...I have no problems with that,all work via widefs..

Now i buyed Ai Timetable(GenixSoftware,Trafficboard) and i have a problem. I work with Fs2004 and my Widefs is status "Connecet", now i start ai timetable on my client... The programm find my depature arport and the FSUIPC on my PC(server)...Now i like see my montior, and i can see only The AI Airliners-Names and no more... I can not see the flightnumbers and the flight status...all flights have the flightnumber "0" and status"closed"!!! what is wrong???

My fs9 folder is free and modules folder,too on my server...Mabye my Aitimetable can not finde the Trafficinfo.dll ????

Please help...

  david19 said:
Hi...I have a client with my programms fsmap actviesky and more...I have no problems with that,all work via widefs..

Now i buyed Ai Timetable(GenixSoftware,Trafficboard) and i have a problem. I work with Fs2004 and my Widefs is status "Connecet", now i start ai timetable on my client... The programm find my depature arport and the FSUIPC on my PC(server)...Now i like see my montior, and i can see only The AI Airliners-Names and no more... I can not see the flightnumbers and the flight status...all flights have the flightnumber "0" and status"closed"!!! what is wrong???

Sorry, I really cannot support other people's programs. Is "AITimeTable" even supposed to work via WideFS?

My fs9 folder is free and modules folder,too on my server...Mabye my Aitimetable can not finde the Trafficinfo.dll ?

TrafficInfo.DLL is an internal module for FS itself. To use that your program would have to be running inside FS, as a module or gauge.




Hi Pete! Thanks for answer.... Jes Aitimetable is able for Widefs,because look your Homepage ;-) There you writet on the list...

The Genix have not forum and the Mail address is death:-( Please help me.... Idk what is that...My other programms work all via Widefs but only that not...Why the programm can find the airliners information and my airport?? But the programm find not the flightnumbers and status...Idk what is wrong...Maby i must copy bgl flies?

  david19 said:
Hi Pete! Thanks for answer.... Jes Aitimetable is able for Widefs,because look your Homepage ;-) There you writet on the list...

I don't have a "home page", only this Forum. If you mean the list on Enrico Schiratti's "Dowson" page, I think that was made by folks asking Enrico to put their names onto it. And I didn't think it was a list of WideFS-usable programs, only those which used FSUIPC.

To be able to run on a Client PC they usually need to be separate from FS -- i.e. not need access to any of FS's files. Does AI timetable need to scan the traffic BGLs in order to get some of its information? If so, then you'd probably have to set up a number of folders on your FS PC to be shared on the network, and point AI timetable at those folders. Doesn't it come with any documentation at all? That should surely tell you how to install it and make it work?

The Genix have not forum and the Mail address is death:-( Please help me.... Idk what is that...My other programms work all via Widefs but only that not.

If your WideFS connection is working and it is only that program not, then it most certainly sounds as if it does need normal Explorer access to FS's files. It may even be using the Registry to locate FS and the folders -- if there's no way of resolving that the only answer may be to install FS on the client PC too, so it can find the files.

..Why the programm can find the airliners information and my airport?? But the programm find not the flightnumbers and status...Idk what is wrong...Maby i must copy bgl flies?

The fact that it knows where you are in FS means it is connecting to FS via WideFS, so evidently that is not the issue. I'm sorry, but the answer must be in the way it wants to access files. I don't think merely copying several gigabytes of BGLs will help. I'm afraid I have no idea what it might be wanting to do. Does it work okay on the FS PC? If so, and if there's no information, no options, no dialogues or parameters you can change for it which tell it where to go from a separate PC, then I think you are stuck, that it will only run on the FS PC, or a PC with a copy of FS installed.



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