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Hi Pete,

I am doing my best to sort all this out, but I do not succeed.

I have assigned axes and buttons and calibrated the CH Flight Sim Yoke PC and the CH Pro Pedals. I do not know if these assignments and calibrations work in flight as I could not yet take off :D. The Toe brakes have been specially difficult to calibrate and I think I've done it, but the problem is:

I am at the ramp, parking brakes set and release the parking brakes with "." The parking brakes are released but still appearing the label "BRAKES" at bottom left. The toe brakes are not running as when I press one or the other the label "DIFFERENTIAL BRAKES" appear. Theoretically, simply pressing "." any brake should be released but it does not. I have tried the "Delta" button when configuring the Toe Brakes but does not seem to be important here. Could you tell me what am I doing wrong?

I have deleted all assignments of FS2004 to my Yoke and Pedals, so suppossedly FSUIPC is handling everything.

As a final question, before using FSUIPC, the parking brakes were automatically released when pressing any of the toe brakes. I have configured both toe brakes to "parameter -1" and "Parking brakes" under the "Control sent when range entered". Is that correct?

Thanks again and hope to stop bothering you in short.

Best regards,



The parking brakes are released but still appearing the label "BRAKES" at bottom left. The toe brakes are not running as when I press one or the other the label "DIFFERENTIAL BRAKES" appear.

That isn't true. If both toe brakes are exerting the same pressure the red label says "BRAKES". It only says "DIFFERENTIAL BRAKES" if you are applying different pressures on each.

Theoretically, simply pressing "." any brake should be released but it does not. I have tried the "Delta" button when configuring the Toe Brakes but does not seem to be important here.

Do NOT mess with the "delta" value. That's for use by hardware builders and programmers.

The most usual reason for this problem on CH and some other pedals is that you need to REVERSE the control. They operate backwards. If you do not select the "REV" option in calibration before doing the calibration the brakes are full on when released and full off when fully depressed!

Go to your toe brake calibration tab in FSUIPC, reset whatever calibration you've made (ie press RESET), then press SET, select REV, and then do the calibration. Always press the pedals a little before setting the minimum value so that you don't accidentally brake when using the rudder.

As a final question, before using FSUIPC, the parking brakes were automatically released when pressing any of the toe brakes.

That won't occur normally with analogue brakes, but FSUIPC does it for you in all recent releases. You have to press both of them most of the way down, as in a real aircraft (to let the strongly sprung catch release). The pressure you need to apply is adjustable is an FSUIPC parameter (see documentation, Advanced User's guide).

I have configured both toe brakes to "parameter -1" and "Parking brakes" under the "Control sent when range entered". Is that correct?

No. You don't need to do anything on "control when range entered". Why are you doing that?




Hi Pete,

Go to your toe brake calibration tab in FSUIPC, reset whatever calibration you've made (ie press RESET), then press SET, select REV, and then do the calibration. Always press the pedals a little before setting the minimum value so that you don't accidentally brake when using the rudder.

Great, thanks!! Appears to work perfectly now.

I have configured both toe brakes to "parameter -1" and "Parking brakes" under the "Control sent when range entered". Is that correct?

No. You don't need to do anything on "control when range entered". Why are you doing that?

Because, as I did not know about the possibility of release the parking brakes by fully pressing the toe brakes, it was the action I thought could release the parking brakes when pressing one or the other toe brake. Sorry, I am learning :wink:

Thanks again. Go to try flying now !!

Best regards,


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