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Je suis un jeune de 56 ans, et je suis entrain d'installer un cockpit de B 737, j'ai 2 PC, 1 pour le paysage sur projecteur (windows 7 + FSX + FSUIPC et WIDE FS) avec commandes Saitek, et MCP Opencockpit, le 2 (portable) pour les gauges. Mon problème depuis 1 mois, et de relier mes 2 PC afin d'avoir les gauges sur 2 écrans. Apparament ils se reconnaissent sur le réseau privé, malgré l'installation suivante : FSUIPC sur le PC 1 dans FSX et les deux fichiers dans modules, wide server dans module. Sur le PC 2 Wide client dans un dossier.), lors du lancement de wide client la fenetre indique waiting for connection. J'avoue me perdre un peu. Aurez vous la gentillesse et surtout la patience de me dire clairement ce qu'il faut faire. D'avance merci, et encore bravo pour tout votre travaiL.

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Hi Philippe,

My French is really useless these days (not really used my school french since leaving secondary school 50 years ago!) So I got Google to translate for me:

I am a young 56 years, and I'm about to install a cockpit B 737, I have 2 PC, 1 for the landscape on projector (7 windows FSX FSUIPC and FS WIDE) with Saitek commands, and MCP Opencockpit, 2 (mobile) for gauges. My problem since 1 month and 2 connect my PC to have the gauges on 2 screens. Apparently they agree on the private network, despite the installation following: FSUIPC on the PC 1 in both FSX and files in modules wide in server module. On the client PC 2 Wide in a folder ) At the launch of wide client window shows waiting for connection. I confess I lose a little. Will you be so kind and especially patience to tell me clearly what to do. In advance thank you and bravo again for all your work.

You evidently have misunderstood what WideFS does. It is a package for extending the FSUIPC interface to other PCs on the network. This allows programs written to work with FSUIPC to be used on other PCs. It does NOT allow assorted bits of FS to run across a Network. There is nothing at all which will do that. FS's gauges are part of FS and need FS to run inside. There's no way of running them separately.

The nearest you can get is to install FS on both PCs and use "WidevieW" to link them together. WidevieW is by Luciano Napolitano, not by me.

Alternatively there are avionics packages providing their own instrumentation which can be run over a Network: Project Magenta, Sim-Avionics and Flight Deck Software are the main three payware products of this type.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Dear Phillipe,

Im also dancing in that thing of building my own cockpit, i've been trying everything

and lost about 2 weeks and nothing, only spending money, i also phurcased fsuipc 4.60

and widefs with the wrong idea to extend gauge views and im still on the runway :lol:

However i found something that might interest u,


Yes, finally i found something... that cost about 100 euros :(

I spent about 5000 euros in hardware :

PC quadcore q2700 + nvidia 8800gs 1gb

6 screens

5 Go flight modules

1 Vrinsight module

1 client Pc

1 Matrox dual head 2 go

1 Matrox g450 pci quad

FSX + Accelaration


windows 7

and tried almost everything and i still not taking off with my extended gauge views :?

My Widefs dont even work and i tried everything, worst with windows 7, because have no ipx connections.

I'll try my last shot with 2 FSX connected to see if i can finally get de gauges.

If i cant, than i'll give up.

I must say, FSUIP its an amasing programa for Flight sim, congratulations Pete, about the widefs i cant

say nothing because i just cant make it work, however i bellieve its a good programa.

Sorry if my english is not the best

Greatings for everybody.

Vitor Faria

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My Widefs dont even work and i tried everything, worst with windows 7, because have no ipx connections.

There are many Win7 users including myself, and IPX isn't relevant as it really hasn't been much used for many years because of lack of adequate support by Microsoft. I use a mixture of TCP and UDP.

There is no possible reason for your WideFS not working except for networking problems which you may have to fix first.

... about the widefs i cant say nothing because i just cant make it work

There's nothing much involved in "making it work" if you have a working network. If you cannot describe your problem I cannot help you.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Peter,

There is wa's happening on my server log files:

Wide server.ini :

; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details

; ==================================================



; -----------------------------------------------



; ===============================================


Wideserver.Log :

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.60a] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 12/04/10, Time 12:29:36.685: Server name is BS1

15070 Initialising TCP/IP server

15070 Initialising IPX/SPX server

15070 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

15070 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

15070 Initialising UDP/IP server

16115 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs



********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.60a] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 12/04/10, Time 11:56:18.691: Server name is BS1

15756 Initialising TCP/IP server

15756 Initialising IPX/SPX server

15756 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

15756 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

15756 Initialising UDP/IP server

16115 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs



********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 12/04/10, Time 11:54:46.906: Client name is BICLASSERVER

218 Attempting to connect now

1218 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

1218 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

3218 Attempting to connect now

67250 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

Both computers see each other's on tcp ip connection, i use to play fsx

on shared cockpits, the fsuipc is th vs. 4.60 and widefs 7.

Server pc is a intel Q6700 on win 7 and the client pc is a p4 2GHZ on win XP

Greetings and thanks for your time spent with me.

Vitor Faria

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There is wa's happening on my server log files:

And here's the clue:

67250 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

Your two PCs are probably in separate workgroups.

Please please please do read at least a little bit of the documentation, especially when nothing works. "If all else fails read the manual", remember? The part you need to read is entitled "Configure your network", and immediately follows the Installation section. There's even a big red note there pleading with you to at least read a bit of it!

Both computers see each other's on tcp ip connection

Yes, and WideClient would also automatically connect if it knew where the server was.

Server pc is a intel Q6700 on win 7 and the client pc is a p4 2GHZ on win XP

XP and Win7 use different default workgroups. Broadcasts don't work across different workgroups. As the User Guide says, you either have to put them in the same group, or edit the INI file to tell the Client about the Server.

Greetings and thanks for your time spent with me.

You'd have been off the ground much quicker if you'd spent just a couple of minutes browsing the User guide, espcially the highlighted section.


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Dear Pete,

After i read you answer i went back to the user's guide and search that red leters,

(yes i've read the users guide before), i didn't get wel the idea the first time,

however i tried to change the port numbers and place all the lines in the INI files,

I placed Server Name, TCP type connection and also de ip adress, just placed

all sort of lines from user's guide.

After that modifications something waked up on LOG files and everything was OK

But the connection was still not allowed, then i remember your words about diferent

windows versions and group names and i cheked out, the default network

group, on windos Xp is Homegroup and on Windows 7 is Workgroup, i just deleted

the network group on client PC (win XP) and created a new network conection

with the same group name of Windwos 7, runed out FSX and wide server /client

and Voila, the beast waked up and i tried Project Magenta Software, everything

went perfectly cool.

Now i can say Both programs are amazing, fortunly there is people like you working

hard to get clients like me happy improving Flight simulation and making it something

more than seating behind a small screen almost sleeping.

Thanks again Peter and sorry the long speech.


Vitor Faria

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however i tried to change the port numbers and place all the lines in the INI files,

I placed Server Name, TCP type connection and also de ip adress, just placed

all sort of lines from user's guide.

Don't change the Port number. And you don't need both ServerName and IPAddress -- one translates into the other.

It is still best simply to put you computers into the same workgroup, then everything is automatic. Otherwise only two entries are needed -- ServerName OR ServerIPAddr, and Protocol. Please do NOT mess with anything else! If you've added all sorts of changes I suggest you delete the INI file and start again!

on windos Xp is Homegroup and on Windows 7 is Workgroup,

Yes, as I said, the default workgroup names are different. Windows doesn't allow Broadcasts to PCs in different workgroups, so that prevents WideServer telling WideClient where it is.

Okay. Good flying now!



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