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Hi Pete,

I have not found any reference to this in FSUIPC manuals nor previous topic on this regard in this forum, thus (sorry) but must bother you here for some advice.

I am using CH Products Flight Sim Yoke PC, USB Pro Pedals and USB Throttle Quadrant in FS2004. The joysticks are disabled in FS2004 as recommended for CH Products users (sticky post in this forum). Usually, FSUIPC does not recognise either the THQ or the pedals, and thus I always go to the FSUIPC configuration panel and "rescan" them for safety before starting the engines. Everything appears to work properly until then.

This afternoon I have tried to join my VA fly-in with MAAM DC3. Everything apparently running fine. I bring full take off power and then I take off, but immediately after the rudder moves completely to the right without touching the pedals. No matter what I do, it keeps in that position. Even if I pause the flight and rescan the rudder axis (still correctly calibrated), then save again the settings and unpausing, the rudder does not move.

I have tested it with other aircraft, online and offline and no way to solve it. Everything working fine during taxi and line up, but as soon as the wheels leave the ground, the rudder sticks without responding.

Any advise or help will be warmly welcome and sorry for bothering. Thanks a lot in advance.



Usually, FSUIPC does not recognise either the THQ or the pedals, and thus I always go to the FSUIPC configuration panel and "rescan" them for safety before starting the engines.

Sounds like you are using an old version of FSUIPC. Please update to the current versions (3.98 or 4.60).

After you've updated to a supported version, re-check your rudder and come back if it is still not right.



I am using FSUIPC version 3.98a

In that case, the most likely reason for this:

Usually, FSUIPC does not recognise either the THQ or the pedals

is because the devices have "gone to sleep". You need to disable Windows power management on all your USB hubs. Check their properties in the Windows device manager.

There's really no other possible explanation. "Re-scanning" in the Axis assignments does nothing but wait for an axis to change -- if FSUIPC can recognise an axis changing in the options then so it will normally. There's no difference.

This other problem:

I bring full take off power and then I take off, but immediately after the rudder moves completely to the right without touching the pedals. No matter what I do, it keeps in that position. Even if I pause the flight and rescan the rudder axis (still correctly calibrated), then save again the settings and unpausing, the rudder does not move.

I have tested it with other aircraft, online and offline and no way to solve it. Everything working fine during taxi and line up, but as soon as the wheels leave the ground, the rudder sticks without responding.

Sounds like rudder trim is taking over. have you got the rudder trim axis assigned somewhere? Unless your pedals are actually faulty there's nothing else I can think of which could do what you say.




Good morning,

First of all, thank you Pete for your time and effort.

is because the devices have "gone to sleep". You need to disable Windows power management on all your USB hubs. Check their properties in the Windows device manager.

There's really no other possible explanation. "Re-scanning" in the Axis assignments does nothing but wait for an axis to change -- if FSUIPC can recognise an axis changing in the options then so it will normally. There's no difference.

I have done it now and will try to see what happens.

Yesterday, after writting this new post, I deleted completely the FSUIPC.INI and reconfigured all my joysticks. Everything worked perfectly afterwards.

This other problem:

I bring full take off power and then I take off, but immediately after the rudder moves completely to the right without touching the pedals. No matter what I do, it keeps in that position. Even if I pause the flight and rescan the rudder axis (still correctly calibrated), then save again the settings and unpausing, the rudder does not move.

I have tested it with other aircraft, online and offline and no way to solve it. Everything working fine during taxi and line up, but as soon as the wheels leave the ground, the rudder sticks without responding.

Sounds like rudder trim is taking over. have you got the rudder trim axis assigned somewhere? Unless your pedals are actually faulty there's nothing else I can think of which could do what you say.

I have not assigned the rudder trim anywhere. My pedals work perfectly and, as said, during taxi it works correctly. It is only as soon as wheels leave the ground that it sticks to the right. I really hope that all problems are due to what you mentioned about the USB ports. It is strange as I have been using all devices with FSUIPC for a week without problems and now arises this one.

Will report on how is everything going now.

Best regards and thanks again,



Hi again,

Apparently everything works fine now in an offline and short flight without having disconnected the joysticks of the computer during the night. I will test it now in a online flight. However, I must try to improve the calibration of the axis of the THQ for a twin engine aircraft as the power, propeller pitch and mixture are slightly unbalanced.




I have not assigned the rudder trim anywhere. My pedals work perfectly and, as said, during taxi it works correctly. It is only as soon as wheels leave the ground that it sticks to the right.

The only thing FSUIPC might do when you takeoff is to change from steering tiller to rudder, if you have both axes assigned. But it is proportional -- at 0 knots on the ground it it 100% tiller, at 60 knots whether on ground or not it is 100% rudder, at 30 knots on the ground it is 50% tiller, 50% rudder.

But that assumes you are assigning and calibrating to the tiller. If you did that and forgot about also assigning and calibrating the rudder, then what you say might happen, but it would only be a sudden change assuming you take off well under 60 knots, which seems unlikely. Otherwise it would have gradually gone wrong as you accelerated for takeoff.

Apart from that, FSUIPC cares nothing at all about whether you are airborne or not, and most certainly doesn't change any axes assignments, values or calibrations depending on whether you are on the ground or not. So, assuming you've not been messing with the tiller, then what you are observing must arise from a different source.

I really hope that all problems are due to what you mentioned about the USB ports.

I don't see how the USB ports know when you've taken off either. It has to be something in FS or an application interfacing to FS. Nothing outside will know or care whether you are on the ground or not.

It is strange as I have been using all devices with FSUIPC for a week without problems and now arises this one.

So this suddenly started happening of its own accord, without you changing anything at all?


Just noticed your later message. You say:

Apparently everything works fine now in an offline and short flight without having disconnected the joysticks of the computer during the night.

I'm now thinking your improvements might have been more to do with you starting again with a fresh INI, and that previously you had assigned the steering tiller and not calibrated the rudder.



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