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Complexe setup, Help please (maybe by Peter)

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My setup is as follow (its a full GA cockpit, I will try to attached a photo)

What I have:

- Main computer with main outside view. (HDTV)

- Instrument computer with Intrument screen (19" Screen)

- GPS computer with GPS screen (4,3" Screen)

- Elite AP3000 Avionics stack with GPS module Apollo.


1) issue n°1:

The only way I can configure the Elite AP3000 GPS buttons in FSX is to assign FSX function.

So in Elite software I can configure for example one of the GPS buttons to 'Sound on/Off' in FSX.

I cannot configure the Elite GPS buttons to a key stroke (it used to do this in FS2004 but is not possible in FSX)

So I want to intercept the FSX function send by the Elite button and make it into a key stroke (Reality XP GPS gauges can be fully operated with key strokes)

In FSUIPC I tryed to see if when pushing the Elite buttons FSUIPC receives a Key or Joystick button, but it dose not.

So, is it possible in FSUIPC to intercept a FSX command (such as 'Sond on/off' for example) and make it into a key stroke?

2) issue n°2:

An other way to setup my cockpit would be:

Main computer running FSX and showing the external view (Yoke connected to this computer)

Intrument computer is allready running PMGAIFR (nothing to do here it works fine)

GPS computer could running FS2004 and have the Elite AP3000 link to it. This would allow me to display the GPS gauges on this computer and control all functions with it (in FS20004 Elite software allows key strokes configuration)

But in this case all my Radio, Autopilot and GPS controles are on the second computer, how could I set up my Network to have this computer send all needed Radio, Autopilot and GPS settings to the Main FS computer? Would WideView be the solution or could FSUIPC do this for me?? I need in this case two FS running together and connected to each other. (Main computer would run FSX with Yoke inputs , GPS computer would run FS2004 with Radio, Autopilot and GPS inputs).

I hope my explanation is clear.

Thanks for your help,

Ian Bennett


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The only way I can configure the Elite AP3000 GPS buttons in FSX is to assign FSX function.

So in Elite software I can configure for example one of the GPS buttons to 'Sound on/Off' in FSX.

I cannot configure the Elite GPS buttons to a key stroke (it used to do this in FS2004 but is not possible in FSX)

Sorry, I don't know this hardware at all. What driver does it use? Don't they supply something for FSX?

So I want to intercept the FSX function send by the Elite button and make it into a key stroke (Reality XP GPS gauges can be fully operated with key strokes)

I doubt that would be possible, but it really depends on how those functions are sent.

So, is it possible in FSUIPC to intercept a FSX command (such as 'Sond on/off' for example) and make it into a key stroke?

Not exactly. You can detect when any control arrives and act upon it, but currently you cannot stop the control also being passed to FS.

If you can find enough FS controls which don't do anything (or anything serious) in your cockpit, then you would be able to do it using a Lua plug in and the "event.control" function. In fact, if the Elite assignment program allows you to assign a parameter to the control you could just find and use one control which had no effect and use the paramter to differentiate them all.

Then in the Lua plug-in you'd determine the action, like sending the keystroke.

Such a Lua program should be run by a "ipc.macro" call in ipcReady.lua so that it gets to run when FS is ready to fly.

Would WideView be the solution or could FSUIPC do this for me?? I need in this case two FS running together and connected to each other. (Main computer would run FSX with Yoke inputs , GPS computer would run FS2004 with Radio, Autopilot and GPS inputs).

FSUIPC and WideFS realte to only one PC running FS. WidevieW is the product for connecting multiple copies of FS, but I don't think it deals with instrumentation, only views. You'd need to inquire on their website.



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