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Pete: I wanted to start completely over with assigning a macro file for a specific plane for the purpose of assigning buttons in my GoFlight modules.

So I went into the FSUIPC.ini file and deleted the line with the macro name in the [MacroFiles] section, deleted the [buttons assignments for the plane], deleted the actual "name of the macro".MCRO and .MCRO.bak files in the Modules folder and started over.

However, when I go into FSUIPC to create the new macro and I check off "plane specific" I keep getting at the top of the FSUIPC window "name of plane2". Do you know why the number 2 being is added to the plane name?

thanks, Al

However, when I go into FSUIPC to create the new macro and I check off "plane specific" I keep getting at the top of the FSUIPC window "name of plane2". Do you know why the number 2 being is added to the plane name?

No. What version of FSUIPC? If earlier than 3.98 or 4.60, please update first. Then can you show me an FSUIPC4 log, please, with that plant being loaded/used, and also your INI file. You can paste them into a message here. Just select them after pasting and use the "code" button to encapsulate them for scrolling and selection.




Hi Pete: Sorry, was away for a few days. FSUIPC 4.53. I think I figured it out. The plane I was using was the Flight1_Cessna_Mustang.

With some planes that I use, when I select "Plane Specific", FSUIPC assigns the actual tail # of the aircraft if this appears in the "select plane" list.

With this plane, there are no tail #'s assigned. FSUIPC then assigns a number to the plane. I checked all the liveries in this particular group. There are

6 of them. Depending on which one I select, a # (from 1 - 6) is assigned when I check off "plane specific". Al

Hi Pete: Sorry, was away for a few days. FSUIPC 4.53.

That's an old version, no longer supported. You need 4.60 or later if you want support.

With some planes that I use, when I select "Plane Specific", FSUIPC assigns the actual tail # of the aircraft if this appears in the "select plane" list.

With this plane, there are no tail #'s assigned. FSUIPC then assigns a number to the plane.

FSUIPC is not assigning anything. The name it uses is the name specified in the Aircraft.CFG file. If you have multiple liveries in the CFG file then naturally they'll have different names and whether there are numbers or not is up to whoever compiled the CFG file. For sanity you should really set "ShortAircraftNameOK=Substring" and use a portion of the name which is common, or change over to using Profiles which are much easier.



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