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I bought the F-18 from Schiratti......supperb!!!

During the isntallation, it asked me for the FSUIPC 4.60, fine, I purchased and registered as per instrcuctions.

When I run the F-18 configuration panel is telling me that I don't have the FSUIPC 4.60 required, but the program runs ok...or I am missing any extra capability?

Thanks from Downunder


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I bought the F-18 from Schiratti......supperb!!!

During the isntallation, it asked me for the FSUIPC 4.60, fine, I purchased and registered as per instrcuctions.

When I run the F-18 configuration panel is telling me that I don't have the FSUIPC 4.60 required, but the program runs ok...or I am missing any extra capability?

Which program runs okay. the F-18 or FSUIPC? When does what tell you you don't have FSUIPC 4.60?


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Thanks Pete

So far after that "Old FSUIPC Version" message, the F-18 superbug ACM program look like is running ok.

I discovered that there is only only livery for my F-18 Superbug, but I guess need to read more about the instalation

The airplane appears ok but I need to do more "familiarization" and constrain myself to jump into the cockpit.

regards from melbourne



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Sorry, I forgot to mention that yes, the message appears as soon as i click on the F-18 ACM launch program

So, please confirm that you ARE running 4.60 or later. I won't support anything earlier in any case. That F-18 program obviously thinks you have 4.53. Show me the FSUIPC4 log and Installer Log if you aren't sure.


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Peter, this is what I did:

I downloaded the FSUIPC4.zip file from your site few days ago and placed it in a folder that contained an old FSUIPC4.zip ( !!!!!!!)

I did the payment accordingly and received the registration number from""" https://secure.simmarket.com/account_hi_id=618012"""

I opened the folder and executed the installation and then registered as per instruccions....after that, it gave me that messages as explained before, fine.

Today, as requested, I tried unsucsesfully to find the installation log file, so in the meantime I removed the folder FSUIPC4.zip. Then dowloaded again the FSUIPC4.zip from your site, installed but during the installation, when it asked me for what I want to do with the registration, I decided to remove the old registration just in case, registered again and......voila....!!!

The isntalled version now IS the 4.60, ...........dont ask me what I did wrong, sorry to bother you with thid "glitch" but thanks for your support


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