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Ground altitude - offset 0020

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The programmers manual states that the return value for offset 0020 is in metres x 256 returned as a long, however, Simconnect returns its value in metres as a double (to what pecision I do not know).

I have noticed a 2mm difference between the values returned by FSUIPC and Simconnect.

Is there an FSUIPC offset which will give the the value as a double, ie. the same as that returned by Simconnect?


Edit. Sorry, I should have said that this is for FSUIPC 4.

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Is there an FSUIPC offset which will give the the value as a double, ie. the same as that returned by Simconnect?


SimConnect supplies many things as doubles. FSUIPC has to convert to keep compatibility with previous versions of FS. That's the whole point of FSUIPC after all.

Offset 0020 is, as it says, in 1/256ths of a metre, making it accurate to just under 4mm, so, yes, 2mm either way is going to happen quite often. What practical purpose needs more accuracy in any case?

For new projects, not needing to maintain compatibility with previous versions of FS, I would expect folks to be interfacing to SimConnect directly in any case. This is why I'm not developing the IPC interface any further, but concentrating on additional user facilities instead.



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